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Cluster 2: Cultura, creatividad y sociedad inclusiva

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  5. Cluster 2: Cultura, creatividad y sociedad inclusiva

Este clúster 2 pretende reforzar los valores democráticos europeos, incluidos el Estado de Derecho y los derechos fundamentales, salvaguardar nuestro patrimonio cultural y promover transformaciones socioeconómicas que contribuyan a la inclusión y el crecimiento

Actuaciones subvencionables

  • Destino – Investigación Innovadora en Democracia y Gobernabilidad.
  • Destino – Investigación Innovadora sobre el Patrimonio Cultural Europeo y las Industrias Culturales y Creativas.
  • Destino – Investigación Innovadora sobre Transformaciones Sociales y Económicas.


Opening date

Next deadline

Deadline model


Onsite digital technologies to monitor nutrients and chemical or biological stressors in soil and plants with relevance for food safety and nutrition

17 January 2023

20 September 2023


Innovations to prevent and combat desertification

17 January 2023

20 September 2023


Back to earth: bringing communities and citizens closer to soil

17 January 2023

20 September 2023


Discovering the subsoil 

17 January 2023

20 September 2023


Soil-friendly practices in horticulture, including alternative growing media

17 January 2023

20 September 2023


Soils in spatial planning

17 January 2023

20 September 2023


Carbon farming in living labs

17 January 2023

20 September 2023


Co-creating solutions for soil health in Living Labs

17 January 2023

20 September 2023


Soil pollution processes – modelling and inclusion in advanced digital decision-support tools

17 January 2023

20 September 2023


Mission Ocean and Waters and Mission A Soil Deal for Europe – Joint demonstration of approaches and solutions to address nutrient pollution in the landscape-river-sea system in the Mediterranean sea basin

17 January 2023

20 September 2023


A European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage

10 January 2023

21 September 2023


A European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage – Innovative tools for digitising cultural heritage objects

10 January 2023

21 September 2023


Urban greening and re-naturing for urban regeneration, resilience and climate neutrality

10 January 2023

27 April 2023


Positive clean energy district (PED) digital twins – from modelling to creating climate neutral Cities

10 January 2023

27 April 2023


The emotional politics of democracies

14 December 2022

14 March 2023


Democratic governance for times of disruptive changes to the social contract

14 December 2022

14 March 2023


Detecting, analysing and countering foreign information manipulation and interference

14 December 2022

14 March 2023


Developing a better understanding of information suppression by state authorities as an example of foreign information manipulation and interference

14 December 2022

14 March 2023


New approaches for combatting corruption and other undue influences on political decision-making

14 December 2022

14 March 2023


The climate imperative and its impact on democratic governance

14 December 2022

14 March 2023 


Political perspectives for the Eastern Neighbourhood and the Western Balkans

14 December 2022

14 March 2023


Intersectionality and equality in deliberative and participatory democratic spaces

14 December 2022

14 March 2023


Cultural heritage in transformation – facing change with confidence

14 December 2022

14 March 2023


A world leading European video game innovation system

14 December 2022

14 March 2023


Advanced technologies for remote monitoring of heritage monuments and artefacts

14 December 2022

14 March 2023


Cultural and creative industries for a sustainable climate transition

14 December 2022

14 March 2023


Re-visiting the digitisation of cultural heritage: What, how and why?

14 December 2022

14 March 2023


Promoting cultural literacy through arts education to foster social inclusion

14 December 2022

14 March 2023


Cultural and creative approaches for gender-responsive STEAM education

14 December 2022

14 March 2023


Fostering socio-economic development and job creation in rural and remote areas through cultural tourism

14 December 2022

14 March 2023


Efficiency and effectiveness of investment in high-quality education and training

14 December 2022

14 March 2023


Addressing housing inequalities in a sustainable, inclusive and affordable way

14 December 2022

14 March 2023


Integrated care solutions leading to better quality, person-centred long-term care and overcoming territorial inequalities in their provision

14 December 2022

14 March 2023


Remote working arrangements and their economic, social and spatial effects

14 December 2022

14 March 2023


Towards sustainable economic policy paradigms

14 December 2022

14 March 2023


Tackling inequalities in the green and digital transitions

14 December 2022

14 March 2023


Mapping of longitudinal data and assessment of inequalities in education, training and learning achievements

14 December 2022

14 March 2023


Bridging the migration research to policy gap

14 December 2022

14 March 2023


Global Shortages and Skill Partnerships

14 December 2022

14 March 2023


Tackling European skills and labour shortages

14 December 2022

14 March 2023


Ámbito: Europa

Presupuesto: 2.280 M€

Organismo: Comisión europea

Naturaleza de proyecto: I+D+i

Cualquier tipo de organización puede solicitar la financiación de Horizon Europe siempre que tenga la capacidad operativa y financiera para llevar a cabo las tareas que propone.

Costes directo o indirectos relacionados con la naturaleza del proyecto 

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