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Tax Consultancy

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We are experts in tax consultancy for large companies. We provide solutions in tax matters.

tax consultancy for companies

At Euro-Funding we have been collaborating for more than 20 years with the tax teams of entities of all sectors and sizes. We advise our clients in the development of their tax planning and strategy in those taxes in which Euro-Funding has a specialized technical team with the capacity to provide added value to the analysis:

  • International VAT
  • Corporate tax (tax deductions for R+D+i and for job creation for disabled workers)
  • Taxation associated with real estate (IBI, IAE, ICIO, Plusvalía, etc.).

En colaboración con nuestros clientes,  ayudamos a identificar riesgos, interpretar la normativa de aplicación a los diferentes tributos y los requisitos a cumplir en la aplicación de los incentivos fiscales y analizar todos aquellos cambios en la regulación, los procedimientos, la doctrina administrativa o la jurisprudencia que impactan de manera directa en la gestión fiscal. Y todo ello con un enfoque personalizado adaptado a la casuística de cada cliente.

How can we help your company in tax matters?

We have a team of experts in taxation and different technical disciplines that allow us to reduce the tax burden through a thorough and detailed evaluation that optimizes the quota and maximizes the application of tax incentives maximizing the return.

We reduce risks and save time in management. Thanks to the development of our own technological tools, we optimize the analysis and generation of documentation, which allows us to increase the dedication to value-added tasks for the client.

We provide our clients with customized financial solutions that allow them to materialize the different financing instruments quickly and efficiently according to their financial context (monetization/cash-back, participation of private financial entities, endorsements and guarantees, generation of EIGs or subrogation of credits, among others).

Contact our tax consultancy

Guaranteed success in tax management


The Euro-Funding team, with extensive experience in the tax world, works on the optimization and advice on the following taxes. We also collaborate with our clients before any inspection, as well as sanctioning procedures in tax matters.

Property taxation

We are experts in achieving tax savings in local and regional taxation with a remuneration model for success: IBI, IAE, ICIO, Plusvalía, etc.

We achieve significant improvements that help our clients improve their bottom line. 94% of our clients highlight the high level of specialisation of our technical team. Reducing the tax burden of your property is possible if you know how. We have technological platforms based on the latest trends in the sector using detection and geographical positioning systems and tools (ICT, GIS, BIM).

R&D Tax deductions

Tax benefits associated with the implementation of Research and Development (R&D) and Technological Innovation (TI) projects that reduce the payment of Corporate Income Tax by up to 42% of the expenses incurred.

Under a model of remuneration for success, we have been advising for more than 20 years in the analysis and identification of projects, the generation of technical-administrative support documentation and the accreditation of the R+D+I nature of the projects through external entities.

Disability deduction​

Your company can deduct between 9,000 and 12,000 euros for each disabled worker hired. At Euro-Funding we encourage their integration into the labour market by offering our expertise in taxation to facilitate their recruitment.

We carry out an analysis of the documentation of disabled workers to ensure compliance with the requirements established in the applicable regulations for each tax period. We prepare a personalised technical report that supports the right to the deduction and provide assistance in the event of a tax review or inspection.

Foreign VAT ​

Euro-Funding collaborates with companies by advising them on their international operations and recovering foreign VAT. We anticipate the problems that may arise in international operations.

We identify possible taxation risks and assist companies during the process of refunding foreign VAT.

We act as a single point of contact for our clients in the Member States in which they do business. We have a wide international network of collaborators consisting of accountants, tax experts, lawyers, etc.

We provide support in the following areas:

Tax analysis and operational assistance with domestic and international VAT.
Direct contact with tax authorities.
Operational supervision of certain declaratory obligations, e.g. SDI in Italy or VCS in Slovakia.
Assistance in the implementation of international operations.
Preparation and submission of all required declarations.
Definition and maintenance of operational processes

Economic Interest Grouping​

Economic Interest Groupings (EIGs), also known as Tax Lease, arise when a company developing an R&D&I project cannot apply the tax deduction to its activity.

It is at that moment when the deduction is taken advantage of by transferring it to investors in charge of directly financing the activity. Always ensuring that the objectives of both parties are met.

We help you in the following aspects:

  • Business, financial and tax advice
  • Investor identification
  • Support in the process of dissolution of the EIG.
  • Accreditation of the deduction with Reasoned Reports and Preliminary Valuation Agreements
  • Intellectual property management




Materially executes the project. It does not have the possibility to take advantage of the deduction. It issues invoices to activities of economic interest for the execution of the project.

Receives direct financing for its project with a cash inflow in a few months. Does not require the constitution of guarantees and obtains a return of between 25 and 35% of the expenditure. You regain control of the project and intellectual property at the end of the project.


Provides funding to the project. Is a majority shareholder of the EIG

Reduces its IS tax liability by collecting negative tax bases of the AIE and the basis for the R&D deduction.

Cash Back​

Monetization is an alternative for those entities that cannot apply the deduction either due to insufficient quota (negative result in the Corporate Income Tax) or for exceeding the joint limit of application of the deductions.

This instrument makes it possible to request a refund of 80% of the deduction generated from the tax authorities, or to apply this amount directly to the corporate income tax liability without any limit whatsoever.

This mechanism makes it possible to achieve a more immediate effect of the deduction, accelerating the return period of the investment in R&D&I and stimulating the performance of new activities.

A series of requirements are necessary for the application of this instrument:

  • It has not been possible to apply the deduction for one year.
  • To have a binding Reasoned Report
  • Maintain the workforce
  • Reinvest the deduction applied or paid.


  • In general: €1 million for IT and €3 million for R&D&I.
  • Exceptionally for companies whose investment in R&D exceeds 10% of the net turnover for the year: 1 million euros for IT and 5 million euros for R&D&I.
  • Applicable to commercial group


Guaranteed success in obtaining grants and subsidies


Network of collaborators

We develop a continuous institutional work collaborating with different state and autonomic organisms, economic agents, sectorial associations, business schools and Technological Centers.

These alliances involve different joint actions such as the elaboration of sectorial reports and the celebration of conferences all over the world. Our long experience in the world of tax consultancy has allowed us to maintain a close relationship with members of the business ecosystem.


At Euro-Funding we have developed our own Integrated Management System consisting of: ISO 9.001 Quality, ISO 14.001 Environmental, ISO 50.001 Energy Management and Information Security Management 27.001.

We are subscribed to the United Nations Global Compact in the areas of human rights, labor, environmental protection and anti-corruption, complying with the ten Principles of the Compact, as established in its Code of Ethical Conduct.

We have calculated and registered our Carbon Footprint in the Registry of the current Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge since 2014, maintaining a constant reduction of emissions.

Consolidated team

We have a multidisciplinary team of architects, engineers, lawyers and economists from different competent entities and other private sectors, distributed among our offices in A Coruña, Barcelona, Bilbao, Madrid, Seville and Valencia.

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