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Spanish Grants

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  5. Spanish Grants

At Euro-Funding we work with our clients in defining the most advantageous strategy for the financing of their projects. We collaborate with companies in the development of their technological capabilities and competitiveness as a key factor for present and future sustainability, making the best use of financial tools managed by national organizations.

Our national aid consultancy has been managing public funds for more than 20 years to finance R&D&I projects, industrial investments, business development or energy efficiency of companies, universities, technology centers and research organizations.

With the arrival of the Next Generation EU Funds, a wide list of new grants and instruments that will allow our clients to boost their strategic plans in the areas of digitalization, sustainability and energy efficiency, mainly, will be added to the lines of financing whose application deadline is opened on a recurring basis.

How does SPANISH aidS work?

National subsidies are published in the Official State Gazette (BOE) through the corresponding Ministries. They may be managed by separate public entities such as the Spanish Center for Technological Development and Innovation (CDTI) or the Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving (IDAE), or by the Ministries themselves.

The Recovery Fund, called “Next Generation EU”, aims to mobilize European public resources to address the economic and social consequences of the Covid-19 crisis.

The main instruments envisaged for the distribution of these funds are:

The Strategic Projects for Economic Recovery and Transformation (PERTE), a new collaboration figure with which it is intended to promote singular and tractor projects.
Grants, to finance actions of different objectives and scope, mainly through competitive calls for proposals.
Contracts, for the financing of public assets, through tenders.

Find out if your company is eligible for spanish grants

Within our national funding consulting services, we assist our clients in identifying the best funding opportunities, and in the preparation and justification of critical aspects of the application process in order to achieve the highest project rating in the call for proposals. It is very important that you do not miss the application deadline.

At Euro-Funding we develop funding maps for each project by analyzing the different public calls for grants and credits at regional, state and European level. Our technical team analyzes the strategic innovation and investment plans to develop a customized funding scenario, which is updated on a recurring basis.

Contact our consultancy for SPANISH FUNDS

Guaranteed success in obtaining grants and subsidies

How can we help you to get funding at spanish level?

Within our national funding consulting services, we assist our clients in identifying the best funding opportunities, and in the preparation and justification of critical aspects of the application process in order to achieve the highest project rating in the call for proposals. It is very important that you do not miss the application deadline.

At Euro-Funding we develop funding maps for each project by analyzing the different public calls for grants and credits at regional, state and European level. Our technical team analyzes the strategic innovation and investment plans to develop a customized funding scenario, which is updated on a recurring basis.

Identification and implementation planning

There are many different national calls for proposals depending on the type of project, budget and technological level, among other variables. Euro-Funding will guide you in identifying the most appropriate call for proposals for each project.

Interlocution until collection and future verifications

We are in direct contact with the competent Administration for the resolution of all kinds of doubts, clarifications, corrections and requirements, as well as with the different agents involved in the project (other members of the consortium, auditors, certification entities).

If necessary, we contact financial entities that authorize the advance, in different ways, the collection of the aid or enable the subrogation of credits.

Management support

In a national grant application process, it is important to have a profile with experience in the integral management of the project. Among the activities that we develop at Euro-Funding is the generation of the calendar of actions and follow-up meetings, monitoring of compliance with technical milestones and budget, and if necessary, the request for modifications, control of the generation of deliverables and dialogue with the managing body of the aid.

Knowing and monitoring the deadlines and commitments of the aid allows us to prepare in time and meet all the requirements.

For the justification process, we compile and analyze the administrative, technical and economic documentation, and manage the preparation of the justification file with all the parties involved.

Euro-Funding collaborates in the preparation and management of the project by developing continuous coordination, monitoring and communication tasks.

Preparation of the proposal

Have you ever had to prepare a proposal for a grant application? The process of obtaining public aid involves the submission of a significant amount of documentation.

Along with the application form, administrative documentation, responsible declarations, technical-economic report, consortium agreements, among others, must be provided. In relation to the application report, the more technical level it contains, and the better it responds to the aspects valued in the call, the more chances of success there will be.

National grant applications are becoming more complex with additional requirements and documentation, such as compliance with the DNSH principle, or the need to provide prior R&D qualification reports.

In addition to the analysis of the detail of the formal, technical and economic requirements of the call, the Euro-Funding team develops a process of review and assistance in drafting technical reports. We compile and analyze the administrative and economic documentation and monitor the individual and global budget.

Contact our consultancy for SPANISH FUNDS

Guaranteed success in obtaining grants and subsidies

Spanish subsidies

There are different funding agencies that grant grants at the national level. And at Euro-Funding we have been working with them for more than two decades, so we have the capacity for dialogue, and we know the details and requirements of each one of them.


The Centre for Technological Development and Innovation

is the most relevant organization in Spain in the management of grants in the field of innovation and technological development for companies and research organizations.

It is also in charge of managing some aids coming from Europe, such as Eurostars, an aid within the European program Eureka.


The State Research Agency manages programs, instruments and actions within the framework of the State Plans for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation, or assigned by the General State Administration or derived from specific collaboration agreements. Its mission is to promote scientific and technical research in all areas of knowledge.


The Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving is a body attached to the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge (MITECO) that manages aid related to energy efficiency in the fight against climate change and pollution.


Red.es is the driving force behind the Digital Agenda in Spain, developing programs, initiatives and projects for digitalization and technological development in the areas of the economy, public services, citizenship, infrastructure and the internationalization of companies.


The different Ministries and their attached agencies manage their own lines of financing and it is of vital importance to know the latest information published in the different official portals.

It manages aid in the field of science, technological development and innovation, including aid for scientific research.

Responsible for managing aid relating to the industrial development of small and medium-sized enterprises, the promotion and protection of industrial property. 

MITECO manages grants for environmental scientific and technical research.

It launches calls for proposals to protect and improve the natural and marine environment, improve the competitiveness of the agricultural sector and the agri-food industry, promote the sustainability and competitiveness of the fisheries and aquaculture sector, among others.

MINECO focuses mainly on promoting the digitisation of companies and public bodies.

It publishes calls for proposals for the development of scientific and technological projects.

Responsable de gestionar líneas de financiación dedicadas a la mejora de la red de transportes a nivel nacional.


At Euro-Funding we develop customised financing maps for each project by analysing the different public calls for subsidies and loans. Our technical team analyses the investment plans to develop a tailor-made financing scenario.

Integrated management/ 360° : Support throughout the process

For calls for proposals in Spain, Euro-Funding offers support throughout the entire process of identification, processing and justification of public calls for proposals. If you have a project and you are looking for grants or subsidies to finance it, contact us and maximize the return of each project.

Network of partners

After more than two decades of experience in the world of public funding, we have built up a close relationship with the Public Administration and funding bodies at national level. 

We have developed different initiatives such as conferences and sectoral reports where we provide entrepreneurs with useful information to be able to apply for national public funds.


We have different certificates that guarantee our quality in our work. Our Integrated Management System consists of the following standards: Quality Management System ISO 9.001, Environmental Management System ISO 14.001, Energy Management System ISO 50.001 Information Security Management System 27.001.

We are subscribed to the United Nations Global Compact and we have the seal granted by the Generalitat de Catalunya through ACCIÓ, which accredits us as consultants.

At the environmental level, we have calculated and registered our Carbon Footprint in the Registry of the current Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge since 2014, maintaining a constant reduction of emissions.

Carbon footprint

Experience and results

More than 20 years in project finance. Around 46,500 projects managed and more than 5,940 million euros of financing and savings obtained for our clients.

More than 200 engineers with training in the financial field spread throughout our offices in A Coruña, Barcelona, Bilbao, Madrid, Seville and Valencia.

R&D&I Projects:

Proyectos de I+D (PID – CDTI), Línea Directa de Innovación (LIC), Proyectos en líneas Estratégicas, Proyectos de colaboración público – privada, Proyectos CIEN, Feder Innterconecta, Innpacto, Emplea, Torres Quevedo, Misiones (CDTI), Planes de Innovación y Sostenibilidad en la Industria Manufacturera, Activa Financiación y Talento entre otras.

Environmental and Energy Saving and Efficiency Projects:

Comunidades energéticas, Biogás, MOVES flotas, MOVES III, usos térmicos con fuentes renovables, repotenciación, Brochure, Pyme y gran empresa sector industrial, proyectos Clima, PREE, autoconsumo y almacenamiento, con fuentes de energía renovable y ayudas compensatorias por costes de emisiones indirectos de CO2 entre otras.

Industrial Investment Grants:

Activa Financiación, Planes de Innovación y Sostenibilidad en la Industria Manufacturera, Línea Directa de Expansión (LIC_A – CDTI) y Línea de Innovación Global (CDTI).

Proyectos PERTE:

  • PERTE Economía Circular
  • PERTE Salud
  • PERTE Naval
  • PERTE Digitalización del Agua


Foreign VAT

Euro-Funding collaborates with companies by advising them on their international operations and recovering foreign VAT. We anticipate the problems that may arise in international operations. Ampliar información Fiscalidad Inmobiliaria Devolución IVA Extranjero Deducción discapacidad Deducciones fiscales I+D+i Agrupación de Interés Económico Cash-back Fiscalidad Inmobiliaria Devolución IVA Extranjero Deducción discapacidad Deducciones fiscales

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R&D tax deductions

The tax deductions associated with the execution of Research and Development (R&D) and Technological Innovation (TI) projects allow a reduction in the payment of Corporate Income Tax of up to 42% of the expenses incurred. It is a very flexible financing instrument since it depends on the R&D&I performance of

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The cash-back or tax check is an alternative for those entities that cannot apply the deduction either due to insufficient quota (negative result in the Corporate Income Tax) or due to exceeding the joint limit of application of the deductions. Ampliar información Fiscalidad Inmobiliaria Devolución IVA Extranjero Deducción discapacidad Deducciones

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Economic Interest Grouping

Economic Interest Groupings (EIGs), also known as Tax Lease, arise when a company developing an R&D&I project cannot apply the tax deduction to its activity. It is at that moment when the deduction is taken advantage of by transferring it to investors in charge of directly financing the activity. Always

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Property taxation

Our real estate taxation department includes both the regularization of assets and the coordination of the land registry, as well as the correct allocation of cadastral values and reference values and the optimization of all taxes managed by local entities in order to adjust them to the real manifestation of their

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