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R&D tax deductions

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  5. R&D tax deductions

The tax deductions associated with the execution of Research and Development (R&D) and Technological Innovation (TI) projects allow a reduction in the payment of Corporate Income Tax of up to 42% of the expenses incurred. It is a very flexible financing instrument since it depends on the R&D&I performance of the entities, it is calculated individually for each fiscal year and it is not limited by budget or by competitive evaluation processes.

Euro-Funding has been advising for more than 20 years in the definition of the tax strategy to maximize the return of tax deductions using the instruments of legal certainty that the tax regulations contemplate: Documentation, Binding Reasoned Reports and Preliminary Valuation Agreements.

What are R&D tax deductions?

They are a tax incentive, regulated in Article 35 of Law 27/2014 on Corporate Income Tax from which all those entities that carry out innovative activities can benefit. Regardless of their turnover, size sector of activity, the tax deductions for R&D&I activities allow to reduce the payment of Corporate Income Tax.

For those companies that, due to insufficient quota, cannot effectively apply tax deductions for R&D&I activities, the tax regulations contemplate mechanisms that allow monetizing the deduction so that the impact of the incentive as a dynamizing element of innovation activities is real.

What activities can generate this deduction?

Within this deduction we can distinguish two types of activities: 

They involve the development of new products, technologies, processes, or substantial improvements to existing ones that transcend the state of the art. The deduction ranges between 25% and 42% of the expenses incurred in a fiscal year for the development of projects. Additionally, there are additional deductions that allow raising this percentage up to 59%.

They involve the development of new products, technologies, processes, or substantial improvements to existing ones – for the company that develops them. In this case, the deduction is 12% of the expenses for the development of the projects.


Guarantee of success in tax deductions associated with R&D projects.

Which expenses form part of the deduction base?

The expenses that can be included in the deduction base must be directly related to the execution of the project. 

In the case of Research and Development projects, the expenses associated with the activities involved will be deductible:

  • Research for the manufacture of new materials or products for the design of new processes or production systems, as well as for the substantial technological improvement of pre-existing materials, products, processes or systems.
  • Design and preparation of the sample book for the launch of new products.
  • Materialisation of new products or processes in a plan, scheme or design, as well as the creation of a first non-marketable prototype and initial demonstration projects or pilot projects.
  • Creation, combination and configuration of advanced software.

For Technological Innovation projects, focused on activities whose result is a technological advance in obtaining new products or production processes or substantial improvements to existing ones. The expenses included in the deduction base must correspond to one of these concepts. 

  • Technological diagnosis 
  • Industrial design and engineering of production processes (this category includes expenditure on sample books).
  • Acquisition of advanced technology in the form of patents, licences, know-how or designs.
  • Obtaining the certificate of compliance with ISO 9000, GMP or similar standards. 

How can we help you with the management of R&D tax deductions?

Under a success-based remuneration model, we collaborate with companies to achieve the maximum tax deduction:

  • Identification of projects and preparation of technical and economic justification reports
  • Support in defining the tax strategy
  • Continuous information on regulatory or procedural changes
  • Assessment of the compatibility of other incentives
  • Support in the application of deduction monetisation mechanisms
  • Management of certificates for R&D&I projects in entities accredited by ENAC (Spanish Accreditation Body)
  • Management and processing of Reasoned Reports
  • Assistance in Tax Administration inspections

Are R&D deductions compatible with subsidies and/or grants?

Deductions for R&D&I activities are compatible with subsidies received for the same activities that are the object of the deduction. It will only be necessary to subtract from the deduction base the subsidies recognized as income.


Benefit from one of the best tax incentives for R&D

why trust in Euro-Funding?

Integrated management/ 360° : Support throughout the process

En Euro-Funding realizamos un soporte completo, desde el análisis e identificación de proyectos, la generación de documentación técnico – administrativa de soporte hasta la acreditación del carácter de I+D+I de los proyectos a través de entidades externas.

Network of partners

We carry out continuous institutional work in collaboration with different state and autonomous community bodies, economic agents, sectoral associations, business schools and technology centres.

These alliances involve different joint actions such as the preparation of sectoral reports and the holding of conferences all over the world. Our long experience in the world of public funding has allowed us to maintain a close relationship with the Administration and the bodies that manage the different public funds.


We develop a continuous institutional work collaborating with different state and autonomic organisms, economic agents, sectorial associations, business schools and Technological Centres.

At Euro-Funding we have developed our own Integrated Management System consisting of: ISO 9.001 Quality, ISO 14.001 Environmental, ISO 50.001 Energy Management and Information Security Management 27.001.

We are subscribed to the United Nations Global Compact in the areas of human rights, labour, environmental protection and anti-corruption, complying with the ten Principles of the Compact, as established in its Code of Ethical Conduct.

We have been calculating and registering our Carbon Footprint in the Registry of the current Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge since 2014, maintaining a constant reduction of emissions.

We have the seal awarded by the Generalitat de Catalunya through ACCIÓ. It identifies professionals with the most suitable profile to offer personalised and expert support to companies through ACCIÓ’s aid programmes. 

Carbon footprint

Expericence and results

More than 20 years in project finance. Around 46,500 projects managed and more than 5,940 million euros of financing and savings obtained for our clients.

Consolidated team

More than 200 engineers with financial training make up the Euro-Funding team, spread across all our offices in A Coruña, Barcelona, Bilbao, Madrid, Seville and Valencia.


Spending Activation

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