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Property taxation

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  5. Property taxation

Our real estate taxation department includes both the regularization of assets and the coordination of the land registry, as well as the correct allocation of cadastral values and reference values and the optimization of all taxes managed by local entities in order to adjust them to the real manifestation of their economic capacity (IBI, IAE, IIVTNU, ICIO). Other affected taxes (IRPF, ITP, ISD, IP) are collaterally optimized.

What is real estate taxation?

Real estate taxation can be defined as the study of all taxes levied on the holding, acquisition or transfer of real estate by individuals or legal entities, with different incidence depending on residence, as well as the connections between the numerous tax figures. A single act may give rise to different taxable events which may be subject to more than one tax.

The optimisation of taxes related to real estate is complex, which is why Euro-Funding recommends our specialised team with more than 20 years of experience.



We have a multidisciplinary team of architects, engineers, lawyers and economists, who come from the collection bodies of different competent entities and other private sectors and are distributed among our offices in A Coruña, Barcelona, Bilbao, Madrid, Seville and Valencia.

We have extensive experience in the development of technological platforms to monitor our clients’ portfolios in order to make asset management more efficient after each of the changes (regulatory, jurisprudential, doctrinal, urban, fiscal and technical) of the different Administrations involved in the management of taxes -most of them of shared management- through alert systems, notification control and detection and geographic positioning tools (ICT, GIS, BIM).

Our specialisation in the sector, the continuous monitoring of legislative changes, the exclusive digitalisation of all processes for which we have been obtaining recognition since 2019 with the SME INNOVATIVE seal awarded by the Ministry of Industry, and the up-to-date training of our consultants allows the optimisation of taxation from all available perspectives, achieving numerous cases of success in the reduction of the tax burden of real estate.


Remuneration based on success, we only invoice if we generate savings.


Asset regularization

  • Preparation of the necessary documentation to meet the declarations of each tax.
  • Analysis of the associated taxation after the alterations produced by these declarations and optimization, if necessary.
  • Land registry coordination services.
  • Due Diligence.

Tax optimization

  • Detection of errors in the determination of the elements of quantification of the tax liability for each tax.
  • Analysis of the tax by-laws of each municipality that affect each property to check the correct levy. Request for a claim or review in the event of errors being detected. Preparation of applications for undue income with claims for the corresponding interest on late payment.
  • Support in all administrative appeals, as well as in administrative reviews.

Inspection support

Analysis of the origin of the file, analysis of the notifications received and support for their attention, as well as verification of the correct settlements. Preparation of the application for the refund of undue income, with interest for late payment, in cases where the initial tax situation is improved.


  • Tax impact audits for real estate developers of the taxes levied on their activity, estimating the cadastral and reference values that their properties will have once completed.
  • Calculation of possible tax contingencies and regularization plan.


We analyze all types of urban, rustic and special properties of any economic sector: rural land with farms or urban land for real estate development, industries, hotels, shopping centers, offices, hospitals, golf courses, solar farms, ports etc. We achieve significant improvements that help our clients to improve their bottom line.


Property Tax

The property tax, like the business tax, is a local tax of shared management, so for its optimization from Euro-Funding we perform a complete analysis of the taxation, to adapt on the one hand, the cadastral value and on the other check the correct levying of the tax.

We detect and rectify errors in the Cadastral Valuation of 80% of the properties we analyze, achieving savings of 21% on average in the IBI receipt of companies even in properties previously reviewed by other consultants. In the same way, we analyze the tax ordinances that are applicable to detect the discounts that are applicable in each case.

In addition, in many cases we not only achieve savings in the future, but we also obtain the Return of Undue Revenues of all non-prescribed fiscal years, plus the corresponding interest for late payment.

100% guarantee of success, we only charge fees if a saving is obtained for the client.

Tax on Construction Installations and Works

The Tax on Constructions, Installations and Works is a local tax of a potestative nature, exclusively owned and managed by the municipality.

From Euro-Funding, thanks to our multidisciplinary team and our deep knowledge of the regulations, doctrine and jurisprudence on this tax, we check, on the one hand, the correct allocation of each of the items and on the other hand, the verification of all provisional or final settlements as well as the correct calculation of all possible bonuses, exemptions and deductions given the wide discretion that municipalities have to regulate different casuistry.

Business Tax

The business tax, like the property tax, is a local tax of shared management. The optimization of the IAE is carried out by Euro-Funding by tax experts in the tax that detect the correct census management based on the latest doctrines, jurisprudence, and update of the LPGE, as well as the verification of the adequacy of tax assessments and support in cases of inspection.


Study for the possible modification of taxation on the transfer of a property.

Capital Gains Tax

The Tax on the Increase in Value of Urban Land or “municipal surplus value”, is a tax, which, although optional and of exclusive municipal management, is based on the cadastral value of the land -whose determination is the responsibility of the Cadastre- for the calculation of the objective method.

This is a highly litigious tax, and at Euro-Funding we carry out an integral study of all the possibilities of optimizing it, and we study both future capital gains in order to optimize its exaction as well as those already produced and which are not prescribed.


Remuneration based on success, we only invoice if we generate savings.


The main advantage of real estate tax consulting is tax planning and tax savings.

With the consultancy of experts in real estate taxation you ensure, in addition, the correct and timely completion of all procedures, as well as being up to date with all tax changes.

You do not have to pay more taxes than you should, you can obtain a higher profitability and you are entitled to benefit from numerous tax advantages.


We are experts in achieving tax savings in local and regional taxation with a successful remuneration model.

Our professionalism offers us a wide variety of cases in the tax treatment of companies studied, having achieved numerous cases of success in reducing their tax burden.

94% of our clients highlight the high level of specialisation of our technical team. Reducing the tax burden of your property is possible if you know how.


At Euro-Funding we have developed our own Integrated Management System consisting of: ISO 9.001 Quality, ISO 14.001 Environmental, ISO 50.001 Energy Management and Information Security Management 27.001.



We are subscribed to the United Nations Global Compact in the areas of human rights, labour, environmental protection and anti-corruption, complying with the ten Principles of the Compact, as established in its Code of Ethical Conduct.

Carbon footprint

We have been calculating and registering our Carbon Footprint in the Registry of the current Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge since 2014, maintaining a constant reduction of emissions.

Network of partners

We carry out continuous institutional work in collaboration with different state and autonomous community bodies, economic agents, sectoral associations, business schools and Technology Centres.

These alliances involve different joint actions such as the preparation of sectoral reports and the holding of conferences all over the world. Our long experience in the world of tax consultancy has allowed us to maintain a close relationship with members of the business ecosystem.



Tax on increase in the value of urban land

The Tax on the Increase in Value of Urban Land, better known as “municipal capital gains tax”, is a conflictive tax that is levied on the increase in value of urban land -whether or not there is construction- as well as real estate with special characteristics -BICE- that is a

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Tax on Construction Installations and Works

 The tax benefits applicable to ICIO may be established:  In regulations with the status of law, such as, for example, those that may provide for tax benefits in the General State Budget Laws. In international treaties In tax byelaws.  Ampliar información IBI IAE ICIO Plusvalía IBI IAE ICIO Plusvalía What

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Property Tax

Review of the tax from the point of view of cadastral and tax management, previously quantifying by providing a valuation report to our clients, the estimated savings that they will obtain in the next IBI bill as well as the Refund of Undue Income of all years not prescribed, if

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Business Tax

Checking and updating the parameters that make up the tax for its correct determination. At Euro-Funding we carry out the calculation of the IAE through a tax audit to find out the real situation of the tax, determining the correct amount to be paid. Filtrar IBI IAE ICIO Plusvalía IBI

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