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Life cycle analysis

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Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) refers to the complete study of the environmental impact that a product or service can generate in the different phases of its life, from the extraction of raw materials to the use and end of life of the product, once it has been discarded as waste. 

 In addition, Euro-Funding has the experience and resources to go further by providing other LCA related services such as Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) and Product Carbon Footprinting. 

analysis to quantify environmental burdens

At Euro-Funding we carry out an analysis to quantify the environmental impacts associated with a product or service, using the methodology for calculating the Life Cycle Analysis based on the UNE-EN-ISO 14040 and UNE-EN-ISO 14044 standards, these being the standards used on an international scale to quantify and manage environmental impacts. 

 We carry out the calculation from all approaches to the life cycle of the product or service, from cradle to grave (cradle-to-gate), cradle to door (cradle-to-door), or any other scope defined by the client. In addition, we study the impact categories relevant to the product or service and those required by the client, such as climate change, ozone layer damage, air pollution, abiotic deterioration, waste, human or freshwater toxicity, land occupation, etc. 

 This allows us to identify those processes whose contribution to environmental impact is significant within the life cycle, which is crucial to optimise their design from an environmentally responsible point of view. 

 We have a qualified, multidisciplinary technical team with extensive experience in carrying out the LCA. In addition, we have a software licence, specifically for LCA, called SIMAPRO from EcoInvent and access to commercial databases, providing both activity data and impact factors. In this case we use EcoInvent (one of the most widely used internationally) and we rely on public databases (European reference Life-Cycle Database) and specific geographic databases (IDAE, AGRAMA/MITECO, etc.). 

analysis to quantify environmental burdens

In addition to the Life Cycle Analysis, Euro-Funding provides a more or less complex service depending on the client’s needs. Among them is the Product Carbon Footprint, where applying the same methodology as the LCA, we only study the category of climate change, related to the functional unit dedicated to the equivalent tons of carbon dioxide, disregarding the rest of the environmental impact categories. 

 Adding complexity, we focus on the Environmental Product Declaration service, where according to the UNE-EN-ISO 14025 standard and the Product Category Rules, the LCA is calculated for subsequent verification and award of a type III ecolabel. In this last product, as with the LCA, the environmental impacts caused by the product or service studied are studied. 

Our team will analyse your situation without obligation

Nosotros te ayudamos tanto en la elaboración de un Plan Director como en la definición e implantación de un programa de optimización de costes e identificación de los riesgos a lo largo de la cadena de suministro

How can we help you?

  • Identification of processes with high environmental impact
  • Planning of environmental strategies
  • Functional comparison of equivalent products
  • Comparison of options in a new process
  • Selection of waste management alternatives
  • Image improvement and commercial marketing

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