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Procurement Consulting

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  5. Procurement Consulting

Do you want to improve some area of your company’s procurement management? We analyze your project and simplify your procurement work to reduce costs.

At Euro-Funding we have been adding value for more than 20 years in the entire life cycle of purchasing and procurement with our own project management methodology.

  • Processes of strong growth.
  • Changes in the competitive environment.
  • Falling margins, loss of profitability.
  • Need to increase flexibility or speed in time to market.
  • Sharp increase in costs (raw materials, supplies, energy, etc.).
  • Organisational and management complexity.
  • Cultural change, customer focus.
  • Technological change.

We reduce total acquisition costs, improve production efficiency and reduce capital employed.

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We prepare a Master Plan that will let you know where you are and what you can do to improve your management model based on the best practices in the market | Learn more

A specific Procurement Platform would reduce management times by 40%, providing traceability in all processes | Learn more

Evolve purchasing management into a strategic function through theoretical and practical training | Learn More

Improve the areas of your company's purchasing management that need it most

improve the areas of your company’s purchasing management that need it most – We help you both in the elaboration of a Master Plan and in the definition and implementation of a cost optimisation and risk identification programme along the supply chain.

Is your company facing new challenges?
Are you concerned about the company’s profitability and competitiveness?
Is your day-to-day business complex and stressful?
Do you need the support of an expert team to drive and implement change projects?


Euro-Funding implements tailor-made projects. Some of the objectives sought by our clients:

  • Analysing the level of efficiency of the activity and defining improvement plans.
  • Implement transformation plans to increase the company’s results and profitability.
  •  Reduce complexity and simplify operations.
  • Reduction of operating costs.
  • Development of the Purchasing function as a lever for cost reduction.
  • Organisational change and cultural change at all levels of the organisation.


Grant Management

Do you know that millions of euros of public subsidies go unallocated because nobody applies for them? At Euro-Funding we collaborate with companies and public bodies to obtain public grants and subsidies. Ampliar información Fondos Nacionales Fondos Europeos Fondos Regionales Ayudas en formato préstamos Subvenciones a fondo perdido Fondos Nacionales

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Tax Consultancy

We are experts in tax consultancy for large companies. We provide solutions in tax matters. Ampliar información Fiscalidad Inmobiliaria Devolución IVA Extranjero Deducción discapacidad Deducciones fiscales I+D+i Fiscalidad Inmobiliaria Devolución IVA Extranjero Deducción discapacidad Deducciones fiscales I+D+i tax consultancy for companies At Euro-Funding we have been collaborating for more than

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Environmental and Sustainability Consulting

The current context encourages companies to think about sustainability and the environment and to combine these concepts in their income statement. At Euro-Funding we accompany our clients in the process of implementing ESG measures (environmental, social and good governance) including energy efficiency and the development of actions that reduce their

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Innovation financing consultancy

Euro-Funding is the leading innovation consultancy. We help companies and organisations to materialise all projects related to innovation. In addition, we provide confidence and contribute to the development of the entire strategy of R&D&I projects, helping organisations to become more competitive and cutting-edge. Ampliar información Ayudas a la Innovación Deducciones

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Sustainability Consulting

At Euro-Funding we accompany our clients in the process of implementing energy efficiency measures and the development of actions that reduce the environmental impact through the development of specialized consulting services, adapted to the needs and legal obligations. Este es un menú vacío. Por favor, comprueba que tu menú tiene

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