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Multilateral Projects

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Euro-Funding Multilateral Projects is the business unit specialised in the management of international cooperation projects within the framework of development cooperation programmes financed by multilateral organisations and international financial institutions (IFIs).

We provide beneficiaries with global, innovative and sustainable solutions aimed at improving their productive environment, institutional strengthening and bringing global sustainable growth.


In order to take advantage of all the knowledge and experience acquired over our 20 years, Euro-Funding has specialised in technical assistance for the following sectors:

Economic Development
Institutional technical assistance to reduce barriers to competitiveness and diversification. Trade facilitation and increased services marketing capacity. Advice on technical regulations, convergence of trade agreements, government procurement, tariff harmonisation, tax compatibility.
Legal community , development and Governance
Strengthening of institutional capacities of local authorities Improved collaborative planning and community engagement Promotion of public private partnerships Establishing of local dialogue platforms and their functioning.
Regional integration
Integration and coordinated management of customs and border crossings Customs risk matrix, interoperability and process harmonization Trade facilitation—simplification, modernization and harmonization of export and import processes WTO Agreements on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS), Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT), Trade Facilitation (TFA).
Climate change, energy and environmental sustainability
Support to SMEs in the adoption and identification of low emission production opportunities. Support and guidance on resource efficiency and renewable energy for SMEs. Design of energy efficiency plans and strategies.Design of prevention and early warning systems oriented to forest health and sanitation.
R&D and innovation
Consultancy and advice on the management of R + D + I projects Sourcing of public funds for innovative projects focused on sustainable growth and environmental protection Management of innovation plans and development of innovation financing guides Capacity building of R + D + I project management Implementation and management of R+ D + I standards.
Information and communication technologies (ICT)
Development and implementation of IT systems for process flow control between Public Institutions Development of IT platforms (software) in the framework of International Trade and commercial integration Design, development and implementation of Information Systems, monitoring and geographic information Development of technology roadmaps and big data.

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Our strong internal capacity, sectoral experience and access to an abundant and wide-ranging network of experts are reflected in the extensive implementation of projects financed by the European Union, Inter-American Development Bank, United Nations or World Bank, KFW, among other multilateral organizations

View a showcase of the projects we have implemented in each continent:

  • Local Technical Assistance Services in Customs Matters for the Intec Project
  • Local Technical Assistance Services in the field of Regional Economic Integration and Trade Facilitation for the Intec Project
  • Technical Assistance for the Development, Use, Dissemination and Awareness of the National Quality Policy , Guatemala
  • Technical support for the development of a system to implement activities in foreign trade and modernization areas in line with the trade facilitation agreement of the World Trade Organization (WTO), Guatemala
  • Technical support for the improvement and decentralization of support services for SMEs and cooperatives at national level, Guatemala
  • Design of the prevention and early warning system (SPAT) oriented to forest health, Honduras
  • Support for the implementation of the framework proposal for the control of sanitary and phytosanitary measures, Guatemala
  • Implementation of a normative update program to support SMEs and cooperatives to access the markets, Guatemala
  • Development of a chemicals and waste management strategy and action plan and a disposal plan, Belize
  • Design and implementation of the comprehensive risk management system for inter-agency coordination at Nicaraguan border checkpoints, Nicaragua
  • Support the Productive Articulation Strategy of the SMEs, within the Support Program for the Development of the private sector in Central America and Dominican Republic (ADESEP), SICA Region
  • Design and implementation of comprehensive risk management system for inter-agency coordination at the border checkpoint of Nicaragua, Nicaragua
  • PRAIAA, Technical Assistance – Pilot Programme I, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panamá
  • Training and conference services for ADESEP project, Central America, Belize, and Dominican Republic.
  • Low Carbon Assessments for Textile Suppliers and Mills in Guatemala.
  • Consultancy services for the development of an evaluation methodology to measure the impact of innovation projects on climate action in SENACYT’s public calls for proposals and for the design of instruments for green innovation in Panama.
  • Technical assistance to the project for the development of the “Early warning system for the pine bark beetle” in Honduras.
  • Low Carbon Business Action, phase 2
  • Energy efficiency analysis of the health institutions in Mexico
  • Forest Investment Program “PROINFOR”
  • Low Carbon Assessments for Textile Suppliers and Mills in Mexico and Guatemala.
  • Support to the elaboration of the national plan of energy efficiency Low Carbon Business Action in Mexico, Phase 2and renewable energy (PLANEEER), Ecuador
  • Technical assistance for strengthening the institutional, regulatory and services framework in the areas of SMEs competitiveness and value chains integration, Paraguay
  • Support for the development of a trade export strategy for St. Vincent and the Grenadines and a GI certification scheme for quality exports in Guayana.
  • Provision of technical assistance to private enterprises to become environmentally compliant and Business Advisory Services to SMEs along the Litani River Basin
  • Technical Assistance to the Local Dialogue Platform & Capacity Building to Union of Municipalities.
  • Provision of services for agricultural practices training for the district of jbeil and akkar.
  • Harmonization of electrotechnical standards in Africa, AFSEC Members
  • Strengthening the quality infrastructure institutions of Ethiopia
  • Energy behaviour change driven by plug-and-play-and-forget ICT and business models focusing on complementary currency for energy efficiency for the wider population “BENEFFICE” in  Belgium.


Network of collaborators

We develop a continuous institutional work collaborating with different state and autonomic organisms, economic agents, sectorial associations, business schools and Technological Centers.

These alliances involve different joint actions such as the elaboration of sectorial reports and the celebration of conferences all over the world. 


At Euro-Funding we have developed our own Integrated Management System consisting of: ISO 9.001 Quality, ISO 14.001 Environmental, ISO 50.001 Energy Management and Information Security Management 27.001.

We are subscribed to the United Nations Global Compact in the areas of human rights, labor, environmental protection and anti-corruption, complying with the ten Principles of the Compact, as established in its Code of Ethical Conduct.

We have calculated and registered our Carbon Footprint in the Registry of the current Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge since 2014, maintaining a constant reduction of emissions.

We have the seal granted by the Generalitat de Catalunya through ACCIÓ. It identifies professionals with the most suitable profile to offer personalized and expert support to companies through ACCIÓ’s aid programs. 

Experience and results

Since our beginnings in Euro-Funding we have managed more than 35,000 projects accumulating a wide technical know-how in different key sectors for the European, Latin American and international economies.

Due to the traditional activity that we have developed since our beginnings supporting us in obtaining grants and funding for R&D&I projects for the business sector with emphasis on SMEs at a European level.

We have developed from our department several technical units focused on supporting the Public Administration and the SME sector in third countries.

Consolidated team

Currently, we have a team of more than 200 in-house technical experts and a network of international collaborators thanks to our 3 international subsidiaries (Mexico, Poland, and Spain); and project offices in Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, Lebanon, among others.


Spending Activation

Nowadays, many companies are seriously considering carrying out various research projects as a way of achieving greater competitiveness and improving their position in the market. In this sense, it is essential to properly account for these activities, since not only does their implementation not constitute an expense, but the amount

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Patent Box

Patent box is an incentive that allows a tax reduction of up to 60% on income derived from the assignment or transfer of the right to use certain intangible assets. Ampliar información Ayudas a la Innovación Deducciones fiscales I+D+i Activación de Gasto Bonificaciones personal investigador Patent Box Ayudas a la

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Innovative public procurement

With the aim of promoting research into new technologies, Public Procurement of Innovation (PPI) was created, which consists of the acquisition by the Public Administration of technology developed by private companies. The other fundamental actor is the innovative companies that develop the technology and the research organisations that will use

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Research personnel bonuses

The bonus for research personnel is an incentive that allows a 40% reduction in the employer’s social security contribution for common contingencies for personnel dedicated exclusively to R&D&I activities (with a maximum of 15% of their time dedicated to complementary training or dissemination activities). Ampliar información Ayudas a la Innovación

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Aids to innovation

We help you in the management of opportunities to help you get grants related to innovation projects. Our business model is based on the specialisation of our teams. We have a high level of regulatory knowledge and a close relationship with the relevant administrations to advise you on your project.

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