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Innovation financing consultancy

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  5. Innovation financing consultancy

Euro-Funding is the leading innovation consultancy. We help companies and organisations to materialise all projects related to innovation. In addition, we provide confidence and contribute to the development of the entire strategy of R&D&I projects, helping organisations to become more competitive and cutting-edge.

What is an innovation consultancy?

Do you have an innovative idea? The Euro-Funding team works with our clients to transform ideas into innovative solutions. We collaborate in the strategic transformation of organisations through innovation, obtaining public funding and tax benefits. 

More than two decades collaborating with private companies, universities, technology centres and the Public Administration, allow us to have a qualified technical expertise and provide an integrated service from the identification of projects to the justification and obtaining of official certificates.

How can we help Your innovative company?

We have a network of experts to help you with your innovative projects and advise you at all stages of your project. We offer neutrality, objectivity and transparency to your project and provide an objective and external assessment of the situation.

We are totally client-oriented and we adapt our space and time to make your project a success.

We are specialists in obtaining public funding for our clients’ innovative projects.

Why should your company invest in innovation?

At Euro-Funding we provide you with financial solutions applied to your projects. Innovation projects can help your company achieve its objectives. The implementation of these projects acts as a way to generate substantial improvements in your bottom line.

It is necessary that the company believes in innovation as a tool for the success and development of its business, so we help you to make your project succeed. The aim is to generate new ideas that help your company to grow beyond its current competencies.

Find out if your business is eligible for funding

Each project has its own needs, so in order to obtain funding it is essential to be clear about the different funding methods that exist, how to access them and what involvement they will have in the project. 

Public Administrations support entities that undertake this type of activity through two fundamental mechanisms: Direct aid in the form of grants and loans, and Indirect aid in the form of tax incentives.


More than 20 years of experience give us the ability to anticipate changes in the economic or regulatory environment and maximise the success of funding proposals. At Euro-Funding we develop personalised and specific funding maps for each project through an exhaustive analysis of the different public calls for proposals at regional, state, European and international level. In addition, we analyse the possible tax incentives for R&D&I in order to obtain the highest return on investment.

Innovation grants

If you have a company with a digitalisation project, productive industrial investment, R&D or the hiring of research personnel, you can apply for different types of aid in Spain and Europe.

There are economic aids that aim to finance companies and projects through credits and subsidies that the Administration grants through state institutions created specifically to finance their development.

R&D deduction

The tax deductions associated with carrying out Research and Development (R&D) and Technological Innovation (TI) projects make it possible to reduce the payment of Corporate Income Tax by up to 42% of the expenses incurred. It is one of the most flexible financing instruments as it is proportional to the R&D&I activities carried out.

Our innovation consultancy has been advising for more than 20 years in the analysis and identification of projects, the generation of technical-administrative support documentation and the accreditation of the R&D&I nature of the projects through external entities.

We collaborate with companies to achieve the maximum tax deduction.

  • Management and processing of Reasoned Reports
  • Analysis for the return of processing 
    Project identification and reporting
  • Management of certificates for R&D&I projects
  • Assistance with Tax Agency inspections 
    Assessment of the compatibility of other incentives

Research personnel bonuses

This tax incentive allows a 40% reduction in the company’s social security contribution for common contingencies for personnel dedicated exclusively to R&D&I activities.

In the last three years, the Euro-Funding team has subsidised more than 2,200 workers from different companies with a successful remuneration model.

Spending activation

We help our clients to recognise in the balance sheet certain expenses of their R&D projects in order to generate an intangible asset and thus improve the pre-tax result.

Patent box

Patent box is an incentive that allows a tax reduction of up to 60% of the income derived from the assignment or transfer of the right to use certain intangible assets.

Our service is based on the analysis of the assets generated and their nature, the valuation of the different expense items incurred in their development, the determination of the income from the assignment in each financial year and the quantification of the potential tax savings that could result.

Contact our INNOVATION consultancy

Ensuring success in innovation project management

Why trust our innovation consultancy

We have a team of experts who are able to analyse all the needs of your project and help you in all phases of it. Our expertise extends not only to large companies and industrial groups, but also to the entire business and knowledge generation sector, including SMEs, startups, technology centres, universities, etc.

We have a high capacity to adapt to new environments thanks to our regulatory knowledge, our relationship with administrations and our extensive network of partners and collaborators. 94% of our clients highlight the high specialisation of our technical team.

Around 200 engineers with training in the financial field are distributed throughout our offices in A Coruña, Barcelona, Bilbao, Madrid, Seville and Valencia.

Network of partners

We carry out continuous institutional work in collaboration with different state and autonomous community bodies, economic agents, sectoral associations, business schools and technology centres.

These alliances involve different joint actions such as the preparation of sectoral reports and the holding of conferences all over the world. Our 20 years of experience in the world of public funding has allowed us to maintain a close relationship with the Administration and the bodies that manage the different public funds.



  • Integrated Management System (Quality Management System ISO 9.001, Environmental Management System ISO 14.001, Energy Management System ISO 50.001 Information Security Management System 27.001).
  • We are subscribed to the United Nations Global Compact in the areas of human rights, labour, environmental protection and anti-corruption, complying with the ten Principles of the Compact, as established in its Code of Ethical Conduct.
  • We have been calculating and registering our Carbon Footprint in the Registry of the current Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge since 2014, maintaining a constant reduction of emissions.
  • Seal awarded by the Generalitat de Catalunya through ACCIÓ in which we are accredited as advisors. It serves to identify professionals with the most suitable profile to offer personalised and expert support to companies through the programmes offered by ACCIÓ.
Carbon footprint

Experience and results

More than 20 years in project finance. Around 46,500 projects managed and more than 5,940 million euros of financing and savings obtained for our clients.

Experience and results

More than 200 engineers with training in the financial field form the Euro-Funding team spread throughout our offices in A Coruña, Barcelona, Bilbao, Madrid, Seville and Valencia.


Grant Management

Do you know that millions of euros of public subsidies go unallocated because nobody applies for them? At Euro-Funding we collaborate with companies and public

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Tax Consultancy

We are experts in tax consultancy for large companies. We provide solutions in tax matters. Ampliar información Fiscalidad Inmobiliaria Devolución IVA Extranjero Deducción discapacidad Deducciones

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Procurement Consulting

Filtrar Fondos públicos Sostenibilidad Consultoría de compras Fiscalidad inmobiliaria Proyectos multilaterales Deducciones discapacidad IVA extranjero Fondos públicos Sostenibilidad Consultoría de compras Fiscalidad inmobiliaria Proyectos multilaterales

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Sustainability Consulting

At Euro-Funding we accompany our clients in the process of implementing energy efficiency measures and the development of actions that reduce the environmental impact through

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Multilateral Projects

Euro-Funding Multilateral Projects is the business unit specialised in the management of international cooperation projects within the framework of development cooperation programmes financed by multilateral organisations

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