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How to reduce the cost of electricity

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  5. How to reduce the cost of electricity

Since 2015, companies with industrial (manufacturing) activity can apply a reduction of up to 85% of the taxable base of the Special Tax on Electricity, which allows a substantial reduction of the electricity bill.

Special tax on electricity

The Special Tax on Electricity is levied on electricity consumption and is reflected in the electricity bill. It is applied with the purpose of guaranteeing and promoting a responsible consumption of the limited resources of the natural environment.

We work under a philosophy of success, if we do not find savings there is no cost to the company.

We have generated around 1 M€ of economic savings for our clients in the Special Tax on Electricity with a success rate of 100%.

How can we help you?

  • Analysis of the activity to see the associated electricity consumption in each of the phases.
  • Elaboration of an energy balance (relation between energy input and output).
  • Identification of the phases in which the rebate can be applied and in what percentage.
  • Preparation of a technical report that is submitted to the Tax Agency for analysis and acceptance.
  • In case of being favorable, the rebate is applied retroactively from the moment the application was submitted.


Environmental Aids

Environmental grants are mainly aimed at the development of environmental projects, energy saving and efficiency, sustainability, renewable energies and other related and/or complementary grants. At Euro-Funding we work with public aid and/or subsidies aimed at all types of public and private entities with national and regional calls for proposals from

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