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Grant Management

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Do you know that millions of euros of public subsidies go unallocated because nobody applies for them? At Euro-Funding we collaborate with companies and public bodies to obtain public grants and subsidies.

These types of subsidies are intended to promote businesses or projects with a very specific purpose. In order for these grants to be awarded, it is necessary to demonstrate that the amounts received have been used for this purpose.

It is essential to know that you can only aspire to this type of subsidy if the project is interesting, has the potential to improve society and the economy. 

At Euro-Funding we provide total or partial management of the project and we carry out exhaustive monitoring of the grant award deadlines. We adapt to your needs and collaborate until the expected results are achieved.


Guaranteed success in obtaining grants and subsidies

Our grant and fund management methodology

More than 20 years in the financial consultancy sector allow us to know the requirements that Public Administrations include in their applications. Thanks to a direct dialogue with the areas involved in the process of granting aid, we can anticipate possible regulatory changes in the financing of proposals.

Identification and implementation planning

As part of our services, we help our clients to identify and justify critical aspects in the application process for funding.

At Euro-Funding we develop financing maps for each project by analysing the different public calls for subsidies and credits at regional, state and European level. Our technical team analyses the investment plans to develop a tailor-made financing scenario.

Preparation of the proposal

Euro-Funding carries out a detailed analysis of the formal, technical and economic requirements of the call for proposals. Subsequently, we compile and analyse the administrative and financial documentation and manage the data uploading to the telematic applications of the funding organisation. 

At all times, we monitor the individual and global budget and advise on the drafting of technical reports.

Technical Aspects::

  • Comparison with the state of the art.
  • Experience of the participating work team.
  • Reference regulations that apply 
  • Sustainability: Environmental impact of the activity and Energy Efficiency.
  • Alignment with particular and general thematic priorities.

Contextual Aspects::

  • Business plan of the project
  • Exploitation of results
  • Financial viability of the company
  • Market potential 
  • Internationalisation of results 
  • Impact on job creation and wealth creation in the area.

Each call establishes the typology of eligible costs. These are usually personnel costs; instrument and material costs; research costs, acquired know-how and patents, consultancy and equivalent services, etc. 

Management support

In addition to technical support, proper project management is of vital importance and includes the following activities: 

  • Calendar of actions and coordination of follow-up meetings. Monitoring of compliance with technical and budget milestones.
  • Control of the generation of deliverables and dialogue with the managing body.
  • Preparation of documents and reports and liaison with accounting auditors.
  • Compilation and analysis of administrative and economic documentation for justification. Obtaining the justification report.
  • Review and assistance in drafting technical reports.

Euro-Funding collaborates in the preparation and management of the project by developing continuous coordination, monitoring and communication tasks.

Interlocution until collection and future verifications

The Euro-Funding team is in constant dialogue with the competent administration for clarifications, requirements and/or corrections, as well as with other agents or partners involved in the project. If applicable, as part of the services provided, we contact financial institutions that allow the advance payment of the aid in different ways or enable the subrogation of credits.


Guaranteed success in obtaining grants and subsidies

What subsidies does our consultancy manage?

For more than 20 years we have been managing applications for public funds to finance R&D projects, industrial investments, business development or energy efficiency of innovative companies, universities, technology centres and research organisations.

European Aids

The European Union has numerous aid programmes, which, with strict requirements, can grant up to 100 million euros for a single project.

Spanish Grants

As of today, there are numerous lines of funding open, discover what is available to finance your projects at the national level.

Contact our subsidy consultancy

Guaranteed success in obtaining grants and subsidies

Why trust Euro-Funding?

Integrated management/ 360° : Support throughout the process

At Euro-Funding we offer support throughout the entire process of identifying, processing and justifying grants. If you have a project and you are looking for grants or subsidies to finance it, contact us and maximise the return on each project.

Around 200 engineers with financial training make up the Euro-Funding team, spread across all our offices in Europe.

Network of partners

We carry out continuous institutional work in collaboration with different state and autonomous community bodies, economic agents, sectoral associations, business schools and technology centres.

These alliances involve different joint actions such as the preparation of sectoral reports and the holding of conferences all over the world. Our long experience in the world of public funding has allowed us to maintain a close relationship with the Administration and the bodies that manage the different public funds.


We develop a continuous institutional work collaborating with different state and autonomic organisms, economic agents, sectorial associations, business schools and Technological Centres.

At Euro-Funding we have developed our own Integrated Management System consisting of: ISO 9.001 Quality, ISO 14.001 Environmental, ISO 50.001 Energy Management and Information Security Management 27.001.

We are subscribed to the United Nations Global Compact in the areas of human rights, labour, environmental protection and anti-corruption, complying with the ten Principles of the Compact, as established in its Code of Ethical Conduct.

We have been calculating and registering our Carbon Footprint in the Registry of the current Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge since 2014, maintaining a constant reduction of emissions.

We have the seal awarded by the Generalitat de Catalunya through ACCIÓ. It identifies professionals with the most suitable profile to offer personalised and expert support to companies through ACCIÓ’s aid programmes.

Carbon footprint

Experience and results

More than 20 years in project finance. Around 46,500 projects managed and more than 5,940 million euros of financing and savings obtained for our clients.

Applications for grants processed in the last year:

R&D&I Projects:


Proyectos de I+D (PID – CDTI), Línea Directa de Innovación (LIC), Proyectos en líneas Estratégicas, Proyectos de colaboración público – privada, Proyectos CIEN, Feder Innterconecta, Innpacto, Emplea, Torres Quevedo, Misiones (CDTI), Planes de Innovación y Sostenibilidad en la Industria Manufacturera, Activa Financiación and Talento among others.


EIC Accelerator, EIC Pathfinder, EIC Transition, ERC-Proof of Concept, Erasmus+, MSCA, Eureka-Eurostars, CBE, Horizon-cluster, CEF-Digital y Innovation Fund.

Spanish Regional Aid.

Environmental and Energy Saving and Efficiency Projects:


Comunidades energéticas, Biogás, MOVES flotas, MOVES III, usos térmicos con fuentes renovables, repotenciación, Brochure, Pyme y gran empresa sector industrial, proyectos Clima, PREE, autoconsumo y almacenamiento, con fuentes de energía renovable y ayudas compensatorias por costes de emisiones indirectos de CO2 among others.

Spanish Regional Aid.

Industrial Investment Grants:


Activa Financiación, Planes de Innovación y Sostenibilidad en la Industria Manufacturera, Línea Directa de Expansión (LIC_A – CDTI) y Línea de Innovación Global (CDTI).

Spanish Regional Aid.

PERTE Projects:

In addition, we are actively collaborating in PERTE projects:

PERTE Circular Economy
PERTE Health
PERTE Water Digitization

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