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  5. Ecodesign

Ecodesign involves incorporating environmental criteria in the conception and development phase of each product, trying to take preventive measures in order to reduce environmental impacts in the different phases of its life cycle.


Euro-Funding offers a technical consulting service for the implementation of a new economic and production system based on an ecological model.

Always without compromising important factors for the company such as price, functionality, safety or quality, it is possible to consider the environmental factor as another requirement of the product and with the same importance as other factors such as cost, safety or quality.

Applying ecodesign in a company, either in its products or in the installation, means obtaining a series of benefits beyond the strictly environmental ones. Some of these benefits are described below:

  • Increasing product quality
  • Improve a production process
  • Obtain a cost reduction
  • Increasing the company’s power of innovation.
  • Responding to market and customer demand
  • Improve the company’s image
    Product innovation and therefore differentiation in the market.


  • DELIVER: Transport products efficiently
  • USE: Minimize negative effects by the user
  • USE WITH AWARENESS: Recycle products at the end of their life as a resource
  • THINK: Design products with the whole life cycle in mind
  • CHOOSE: Use environmentally friendly materials
  • CREATE: Produce useful products with minimal material and energy consumption


Environmental Aids

Environmental grants are mainly aimed at the development of environmental projects, energy saving and efficiency, sustainability, renewable energies and other related and/or complementary grants. At Euro-Funding we work with public aid and/or subsidies aimed at all types of public and private entities with national and regional calls for proposals from

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Management systems

The integration of management systems allows companies to optimize their resources, reduce costs and improve productivity, generating a complete and integrated organization. Ampliar información Ayudas Medioambientales Cálculo de la huella de carbono Análisis de ciclo de vida de un producto Auditoría energética Ayudas Economia Circular Análisis de riesgos ambientales Sistemas

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Environmental risk

Since October 2018 (Law 26/2007), companies must have a financial guarantee to enable them to meet the environmental liability inherent to the activity they carry out. This Law establishes that the amount of the financial guarantee will be determined on the basis of an Environmental Risk Analysis of the activity. The

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How to reduce the cost of electricity

Since 2015, companies with industrial (manufacturing) activity can apply a reduction of up to 85% of the taxable base of the Special Tax on Electricity, which allows a substantial reduction of the electricity bill. Ampliar información Ayudas Medioambientales Análisis de ciclo de vida de un producto Auditoría energética Como reducir

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Carbon footprint

Any company considering the fight against climate change should start by measuring its organisational or corporate carbon footprint.  The Carbon Footprint is the calculation of the total greenhouse gases (GHG) emitted directly or indirectly by an individual, organisation or product, thus becoming an initial reference point for the beginning of

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Life cycle analysis

Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) refers to the complete study of the environmental impact that a product or service can generate in the different phases of its life, from the extraction of raw materials to the use and end of life of the product, once it has been discarded as waste.   In

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