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Deduction for job creation for workers with disabilities

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  5. Deduction for job creation for workers with disabilities

Under a model of remuneration for success, we advise you in the analysis of workers with disabilities hired with the aim of obtaining the maximum possible tax savings.


6% of the Spanish population has a disability certificate and only 35% are employed. Although the hiring of people with disabilities has grown by 32% in 2021, achieving full inclusion in the labor market is a long-term goal that involves all companies and organizations.

In order to collaborate in this purpose, there are benefits in the form of Social Security bonuses and tax deductions in the Corporate Tax. These incentives help companies to incorporate disabled personnel into their workforce.

Corporate income tax deduction between €9,000 and €12,000 for each disabled worker hired.

At Euro-Funding we encourage their insertion into the labor market by offering our expertise in taxation to facilitate their hiring.



Documentation analysis

To ensure compliance with the requirements established in the applicable regulations.

Technical Report

Preparation of a customized technical report supporting the right to the deduction.

Support in possible tax inspection

Assistance in case of tax review or inspection, providing the necessary security.


Our professionalism offers us a wide variety of cases in the tax treatment of companies studied, having achieved numerous cases of success in reducing their tax burden. We have a multidisciplinary team of architects, engineers, lawyers and economists, coming from tax collection bodies of different competent entities and other private sectors and distributed in our offices in A Coruña, Barcelona, Bilbao, Madrid, Seville and Valencia.  



At Euro-Funding we have developed our own Integrated Management System consisting of: ISO 9.001 Quality, ISO 14.001 Environmental, ISO 50.001 Energy Management and Information Security Management 27.001.



We subscribe to the United Nations Global Compact in the areas of human rights, labour, environmental protection and anti-corruption, complying with the ten principles of the Compact, as set out in its Code of Ethical Conduct. 




We have been calculating and registering our Carbon Footprint in the Registry of the current Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge since 2014, maintaining a constant reduction of emissions.



We have the seal awarded by the Generalitat de Catalunya through ACCIÓ. It identifies professionals with the most suitable profile to offer personalised and expert support to companies through ACCIÓ’s aid programmes. 


Foreign VAT

Euro-Funding collaborates with companies by advising them on their international operations and recovering foreign VAT. We anticipate the problems that may arise in international operations. Ampliar información Fiscalidad Inmobiliaria Devolución IVA Extranjero Deducción discapacidad Deducciones fiscales I+D+i Agrupación de Interés Económico Cash-back Fiscalidad Inmobiliaria Devolución IVA Extranjero Deducción discapacidad Deducciones fiscales

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R&D tax deductions

The tax deductions associated with the execution of Research and Development (R&D) and Technological Innovation (TI) projects allow a reduction in the payment of Corporate Income Tax of up to 42% of the expenses incurred. It is a very flexible financing instrument since it depends on the R&D&I performance of

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The cash-back or tax check is an alternative for those entities that cannot apply the deduction either due to insufficient quota (negative result in the Corporate Income Tax) or due to exceeding the joint limit of application of the deductions. Ampliar información Fiscalidad Inmobiliaria Devolución IVA Extranjero Deducción discapacidad Deducciones

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Economic Interest Grouping

Economic Interest Groupings (EIGs), also known as Tax Lease, arise when a company developing an R&D&I project cannot apply the tax deduction to its activity. It is at that moment when the deduction is taken advantage of by transferring it to investors in charge of directly financing the activity. Always

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Property taxation

Our real estate taxation department includes both the regularization of assets and the coordination of the land registry, as well as the correct allocation of cadastral values and reference values and the optimization of all taxes managed by local entities in order to adjust them to the real manifestation of their

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