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Aids to innovation

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  5. Aids to innovation

We help you in the management of opportunities to help you get grants related to innovation projects. Our business model is based on the specialisation of our teams. We have a high level of regulatory knowledge and a close relationship with the relevant administrations to advise you on your project. Innovation grants often operate on a competitive basis, i.e. the grantees are selected on the basis of a comparison of the projects submitted, resulting in an evaluation score for each project.


At Euro-Funding we are versatile when it comes to our work, we have experience in projects related to all types of companies and public bodies.

We develop funding maps according to each project by studying the different public calls for proposals related to innovation projects. Our technical team analyses the investment plans to create a tailor-made financing scenario.

Our commitment to collaboration extends to the widest range of projects that a company may have, from strategic projects that will mark the sustainability of the company in the coming years, as well as smaller budget initiatives that are equally necessary to remain competitive. If you have a project and you are looking for grants or subsidies to finance it, we can help you.


Guaranteed success in obtaining grants and subsidies

What is the purpose of these aids?

This aid is mainly intended for the following types of projects:


The objective of these grants is to finance projects that facilitate the implementation and operational management of digital transformation processes in companies.


In this type of project, what defines the best call is the type of research to be carried out: basic, applied, experimental or innovation.

Industrial productive investment

Companies will be eligible for innovation aid in the case of acquisition, construction or physical improvements to plant, machinery, scientific and technological equipment.


The aim of these projects is to encourage training, specialisation, job placement and mobility of human resources in R&D.


Guaranteed success in obtaining grants and subsidies


Integrated management/ 360° : Support throughout the process


At Euro-Funding we offer support throughout the entire process of identifying, processing and justifying grants. If you have a project and you are looking for grants or subsidies to finance it, contact us and maximise the return on each project.

Around 200 engineers with financial training make up the Euro-Funding team, spread across all our offices in A Coruña, Barcelona, Bilbao, Madrid, Seville and Valencia.

Network of partners

We carry out continuous institutional work in collaboration with different state and autonomous community bodies, economic agents, sectoral associations, business schools and technology centres.

These alliances involve different joint actions such as the preparation of sectoral reports and the holding of conferences all over the world. Our long experience in the world of public financing has allowed us to maintain a close relationship with the Administration and the organisations that manage the public sector.


We develop a continuous institutional work collaborating with different state and autonomic organisms, economic agents, sectorial associations, business schools and Technological Centres.

At Euro-Funding we have developed our own Integrated Management System consisting of: ISO 9.001 Quality, ISO 14.001 Environmental, ISO 50.001 Energy Management and Information Security Management 27.001.

We are subscribed to the United Nations Global Compact in the areas of human rights, labour, environmental protection and anti-corruption, complying with the ten Principles of the Compact, as established in its Code of Ethical Conduct.

We have been calculating and registering our Carbon Footprint in the Registry of the current Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge since 2014, maintaining a constant reduction of emissions.

We have the seal awarded by the Generalitat de Catalunya through ACCIÓ. It identifies professionals with the most suitable profile to offer personalised

Carbon footprint

Experience and results

More than 20 years in project finance. Around 46,500 projects managed and more than 5,940 million euros of financing and savings obtained for our clients.

Below are the calls for innovation grants to which we submit applications on a recurring basis:


Proyectos de I+D (PID – CDTI), Línea Directa de Innovación (LIC), Proyectos en líneas Estratégicas, Proyectos de colaboración público – privada, Proyectos CIEN, Feder Innterconecta, Innpacto, Emplea, Torres Quevedo, Misiones (CDTI), Planes de Innovación y Sostenibilidad en la Industria Manufacturera, Activa Financiación and Talento among others.


EIC Accelerator, EIC Pathfinder, EIC Transition, ERC-Proof of Concept, Erasmus+, MSCA, Eureka-Eurostars, CBE, Horizon-cluster, CEF-Digital y Innovation Fund.

Spanish Regional Aid.

PERTE Projects:

In addition, we are actively collaborating in PERTE projects:

PERTE Circular Economy
PERTE Health
PERTE Water Digitization


Spending Activation

Nowadays, many companies are seriously considering carrying out various research projects as a way of achieving greater competitiveness and improving their position in the market. In this sense, it is essential to properly account for these activities, since not only does their implementation not constitute an expense, but the amount

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Patent Box

Patent box is an incentive that allows a tax reduction of up to 60% on income derived from the assignment or transfer of the right to use certain intangible assets. Ampliar información Ayudas a la Innovación Deducciones fiscales I+D+i Activación de Gasto Bonificaciones personal investigador Patent Box Ayudas a la

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R&D tax deductions

The tax deductions associated with the execution of Research and Development (R&D) and Technological Innovation (TI) projects allow a reduction in the payment of Corporate Income Tax of up to 42% of the expenses incurred. It is a very flexible financing instrument since it depends on the R&D&I performance of

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Innovative public procurement

With the aim of promoting research into new technologies, Public Procurement of Innovation (PPI) was created, which consists of the acquisition by the Public Administration of technology developed by private companies. The other fundamental actor is the innovative companies that develop the technology and the research organisations that will use

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Research personnel bonuses

The bonus for research personnel is an incentive that allows a 40% reduction in the employer’s social security contribution for common contingencies for personnel dedicated exclusively to R&D&I activities (with a maximum of 15% of their time dedicated to complementary training or dissemination activities). Ampliar información Ayudas a la Innovación

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