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Legal Notice

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  3. Legal Notice

In accordance with Art.10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on services of the information society and electronic commerce we inform you:

EURO-FUNDING ADVISORY GROUP, S.L. is specialized in solutions for obtaining Public funding, cost consulting and sustainable strategies for business development projects at local, state and international levels since 1996.

www.euro-funding.com and www.euro-funding.es is an Internet domain property of EURO-FUNDING ADVISORY GROUP, S.L. (henceforth EURO-FUNDING) with VAT B85727188.

EURO-FUNDING has its headquarters and registered office in Plaza de la Independencia 8, 2 planta, 28001 Madrid-Spain, telephone +34 917 010 490 and email address info@euro-funding.com.

EURO-FUNDING s registered in the Mercantile Register of Madrid-Spain, Volume 26.920 Section 8 folio 160, Sheet M-485.130.

EURO-FUNDING is the parent company of a business group, which is to date composed of the following companies

  • Euro-Funding Environmental S.L.U. with VAT B97228639
  • Euro-Funding Local & Indirect Taxes S.L.U. with VAT B85997625
  • Euro-Funding EU Projects S.L.U. with VAT B84460252
  • Euro-funding Cost Solutions, S.L.U. with VAT B87514063
  • Euro-Funding International S.L.U. with VAT B87433066
  • Euro-Funding Multilateral Projects, con NIF 87994596
  • Euro-Funding, Portugal UNIPESSOAL, LDA. NIPC 509149677
  • Euro Funding Polonia, Spólka Z.O.O. KRS 1080012306
  • Euro-funding México S.A.P.I. de C.V. with RFC EAG130520BB9

The access to this site and the contents published in it are freely accessible and do not carry any charge on the part of EURO-FUNDING


The access and use of the Portal and any of the services of the same, attributes the condition of “user” and confirms acceptance of each and every one of the present general conditions as well as those that might govern the use of the Portal or related services.

If the user decides not to accept all or part of these conditions, he / she must refrain from accessing the Portal and using its contents or services.

The content of this Legal Notice may be modified, so that its acceptance by the user will be with respect to the Notice existing at the moment the user accesses the Portal.

In addition, access to the Portal www.euro-funding.com and www.euro-funding.es is subject to all warnings, conditions of use and instructions, which at all times are brought to the attention of the user and complement, replace or modify this Legal Notice.


By simply accessing the Portal or any of its services or contents offered, the user undertakes to use them diligently and correctly, in accordance with these conditions and in accordance with law, morality and public order, and takes on, among others, the following obligations:

  • Do not use the contents or information obtained through the Portal to send advertising, send messages for sale or for any other commercial purpose, or to collect or store personal data.
  • Do not delete the identifying logos of EURO-FUNDING
  • Do not manipulate the information obtained through this Portal.
  • Do not use the resources available for the unauthorized exploitation of the contents or services of the Portal.
  • Refrain from carrying out actions that in any way may damage, disable, overload or deteriorate the Portal, equipment, systems, networks, programs, data or information, or prevent the normal use or enjoyment of the Portal or services offered within.
  • Respond to any damages and losses suffered by EURO-FUNDING, and / or third parties in general, as a result of breach of the present conditions or of the particular ones that were applicable to the services offered in this Portal, being obliged before any claim, demand or sanction that could be formulated or imposed as a direct or indirect consequence of said breach.

In general, access to the Portal information does not require prior user registration. However, access to any of the services offered through the Portal may be conditioned upon the completion of the registration form. To these effects, the user guarantees the authenticity and veracity of all the personal data that he / she communicates when completing the registration form. The user is committed and responsible for the truthful and current maintenance of such information. The processing of personal data provided by the user will be done by EURO-FUNDING in accordance with the Privacy Policy published on this Portal.


The user acknowledges and accepts the ownership of EURO-FUNDING on all brands, trade names, distinctive signs, services, contents and information appearing on this Portal, and will refrain from using them without the express written permission of EURO-FUNDING. Including without limitation, the page itself, the information and materials included therein, the structure, texts, software, messages, sound and / or image files, photographs, databases, signs distinctive, logos, domain names and, in general, any kind of work or material accessible through the Portal.

The user refrains from obtaining content or information by means other than those provided for this purpose, and acknowledges and accepts the intellectual property rights that he is obliged to respect.

Unless expressly authorized by EURO-FUNDING, the user may not reproduce, transform, modify, distribute, rent, lend, display, transmit, retransmit, digitize, translate, adapt or make available any of the elements of this Portal.


EURO-FUNDING has provided the necessary means to guarantee the availability and continuity of the Portal, as well as the services offered there. However, it can not guarantee correct operation at all times, that the user can access them in an uninterrupted and error-free way, and therefore all responsibility is excluded.

EURO-FUNDING will act diligently in the detection of viruses, malicious code and elements that may alter the correct functioning of the Site and services offered, but can not guarantee the absence of such elements, and declines all responsibility for damages these may cause.

This Site does not collect or store personal data of its visitors, only the number of visits and the volume of existing traffic with statistical character and in order to improve accessibility.

This privacy policy is only applicable to the website www.euro-funding.com and www.euro-funding.es, and is not guaranteed in the accesses through links to this site, nor to the links from this site with other websites.


EURO-FUNDING will treat personal information provided as set forth in the Privacy Policy contained in this Site.


The Legislation applicable to this Legal Notice will be Spanish legislation, and will be subject to the Jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of Madrid, with waiver of the jurisdiction that may correspond to them.


The Ethical Code of Conduct of Euro-Funding Advisory Group, S.L. is a fundamental internal rule, although with universal vocation, which has the primary purpose of establishing the ethical principles and basic guidelines of conduct that should govern the behavior and actions, both internally and externally, of all members of Euro-Funding Advisory Group, S.L. regardless of their functions and responsibilities, their position in the organization chart and any other personal, social or labor circumstance.

This site is registered on wpml.org as a development site.