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Real state tax

Discover the changes in real estate taxation

Discover the changes in the real estate taxation NOVEDADES EN LA FISCALIDAD DE LAS ADQUISICIONES INMOBILIARIAS We analyse the changes in the taxation of property acquisitions subject to the following taxes: On Property Transfer and Stamp Duty. On Inheritance and Donations On Wealth. The Treasury, through the General Directorate of Cadastre, determined, with effect from … Read more

Cadastral value

Find out all the details on the reference value

Find out all the details about the Benchmark Value NEW REFERENCE VALUE The Treasury, through the General Directorate of Cadastre, determines with effect from 1 January 2022, a new value, apart from the cadastral value, called “reference value”. In 2022, it only affects residential real estate and rustic real estate without construction. It is expected … Read more

Learn about the benefits of hiring people with disabilities

Learn about the benefits of hiring people with disabilities

Learn about the benefits of hiring staff with disabilities how to obtain the maximum possible tax savings by employing people with disabilities People with disabilities face a multitude of difficulties every day that hinder their development in life. Social, physical or communication barriers prevent the most vulnerable and exposed groups in society from fully integrating … Read more

Ahorrar gastos y reducir costes

Find out how to improve your company’s liquidity

Discover how to improve your company’s liquidity keys to boosting your company’s liquidity The current global economic situation after the COVID-19 pandemic, the increase in the price of electricity and the lack of raw materials added to the war between Russia and Ukraine, have impacted on many companies that have been forced to close their … Read more

Enviromental Risk Analysis

What are the cadastral updating coefficients for?

What are the cadastral updating coefficients for? USABILITY OF CADASTRAL UPDATING COEFFICIENTS The reference value has undoubtedly attracted a lot of attention in the last few months in the tax field, however, every 1st of January, coinciding with the date of accrual of the IBI, the coefficients for updating the cadastral values, which are published … Read more

European public funds

Partnership with Globalcaja to boost public funds

Partnership with Globalcaja to boost public funds NEW COLLABORATION AGREEMENT WITH GLOBALCAJA Euro-Funding has signed a collaboration agreement with Globalcaja to provide companies and freelancers with a technical office that promotes the economic development of Castilla La Mancha by facilitating access to European funds. Through this alliance, Euro-Funding works by diagnosing the possibilities of companies … Read more


Do you protect the intangible assets of projects?

Do you protect the intangible assets of the projects? We explain you how to protect the intangible assets of your projects We have participated in a series of informative pills promoted by Madrid International Lab in which she spoke about intangible assets, which is known as that which gives a significant value in our business … Read more

Calculation of IBI Rústico

Calculation of rustic IBI Calculation of IBI rustic and optimisation of the taxation of the tax Article 21 of Royal Legislative Decree 7/2015, of 30 October, which approves the revised text of the Law on Land and Urban Rehabilitation, establishes that all land is in one of two basic situations: Rural land. Urbanised land. However, … Read more

The Real Estate Tax Gap in Spain

The Real Estate Tax Gap in Spain differences in the payment of ibi depending on the place of residence In this article we discuss the differences that exist in IBI depending on where you live. Property tax (IBI) is a compulsory tax for any property owner in Spain. This local tax is managed jointly by … Read more

VAT Refund

VAT Refund in international Trade

VAT Refund in International Trade VAT REFUND IN INTERNATIONAL TRADE The input VAT borned by an EU company in other a Member state different from its country of establishment, may be recovered depending on the nature of the expense. There may be certain limits depending on the Member state. Likewise, for the recovery of input … Read more

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