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Cluster 4: Digital, Industry and Space

The general objective of Cluster 4 is to strengthen the competitiveness of European technologies and give confidence to its industry Areas of intervention Manufacturing technologies. Key digital technologies, including quantum technologies. Emerging enabling technologies. Advanced materials. Artificial intelligence and robotics.next generation internet. Advanced computing and big data. Circular industries. Clean industries, with low carbon emissions. … Read more

Cluster 3: Civil security for society

This cluster aims to overcome the challenges arising from security threats, both natural and man-made disasters as well as cyber. Eligible actions Disaster-resilient societies Protection and security Cybersecurity Open call deadlines Name Opening date Next deadline Deadline model Link Onsite digital technologies to monitor nutrients and chemical or biological stressors in soil and plants with … Read more

Cluster 2: Culture, creativity and inclusive society

This cluster 2 aims to reinforce European democratic values, including the rule of law and fundamental rights, safeguard our cultural heritage and promote socio-economic transformations that contribute to inclusion and growth. Eligible actions Destination – Innovative Research in Democracy and Governance. Destination – Innovative Research on European Cultural Heritage and Cultural and Creative Industries. Destination … Read more

Cluster 1: Health

It is where the most competitive projects are included, the classic collaborative projects from previous Framework Programs and which bring together researchers, companies, research centers and universities. Eligible actions Personalized medicine. Conditions of the environment on health and how we affect the environment. Address the European Health Plan “One Health” against microbial resistance. Open call … Read more

EU4Health Programme (EU4H)​

The health programme represents an ambitious response to the COVID-19 pandemic, but goes beyond crisis response to address the resilience of European health systems. Eligible actions To improve and promote health in the Union, To improve medicines, medical devices and products relevant to crisis situations, To strengthen health systems, their resilience and resource efficiency Target … Read more


The Interreg programs aim to promote territorial cooperation between regions and countries to contribute to their economic and social development and to face the obstacle of borders. The new Interreg 2021-2027 has a total budget of 10,000 million euros for the period 2021-2027. The individual programs are being approved by the European Commission, which is … Read more

Marie Sklodowska Curie (MSCA)

The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions funding line aims to support all stages of the professional career of a researcher from a European Union member country. It is a program that encourages collaboration and exchange of ideas between industrialized sectors with a strong R&D presence, all for the benefit of the European economy. The European Union set … Read more

Actions for the European Innovation Ecosystem

Aims to create and expand more connected, inclusive, and efficient innovation ecosystems that support the growth of companies and spur innovation to address important challenges in a responsible way .  The funding will support mainly strategically oriented long-term programmes of activities to enable authorities in charge of public national, regional, or local innovation policies and … Read more

Research Infrastructures Programme

Research infrastructures are facilities that provide resources and services to research communities to conduct research and foster innovation. They can be used beyond research, for education or public services and can be unidirectional, distributed or virtual. Eligible actions Reducing fragmentation of the research and innovation ecosystem Avoid duplication of efforts To better coordinate the development … Read more

European Research Council (ERC)

ERC is a body with the aim of promoting quality research with competitive funding and supporting cutting-edge research in all research fields in Europe. Eligible actions Support the best scientific work in Europe in all fields of science, scholarship and engineering Promote “bottom-up” cutting-edge research, fully driven by the researchers themselves Promote the work of … Read more

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