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Barriers digital transformation

What are the barriers to Digital Transformation in companies?

What are the barriers to Digital Transformation in companies? WHAT FACTORS HINDER DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION IN MANY COMPANIES The success of the Digital Transformation of companies is a complex path and depends on many factors throughout the life of the project. This transformation is critical to maintaining your competitiveness in the marketplace and to your own … Read more

Deducciones fiscales

Tax benefits for hiring research personnel

Tax benefits for hiring research staff Social security rebates and how to benefit from them   These bonuses are a savings instrument that allows companies to reduce a percentage of their social security contributions. This is the case of the bonuses for Research Personnel, which allow a reduction of up to 40% of the company’s … Read more

Cascade financing of European funds

Cascade financing of European funds cascade funding If you want to participate in European projects and have not managed to join a consortium in time, it is not too late to participate in competitive cascade funding processes that provide funding to third parties (FSTP). Cascade Funding is a European Commission mechanism that encourages the creation … Read more

Binding reasoned report

Binding reasoned reports for accreditation of R&D

Binding reasoned reports for certifying R&D REDUCE PREPARATION TIMES Tax deductions for R&D activities are one of the instruments used by the General State Administration to encourage companies to invest in R&D and innovation. In recent years, the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities has reduced the time required to obtain the Binding Reasoned Reports … Read more

Public funding tools

Public funding tools for innovative projects

Public funding tools for innovative projects How to take advantage of public funding instruments for innovation  We detail the different indirect and direct instruments from which companies carrying out research and development projects in Spain can benefit. These instruments are as follows: Loans and non-refundable regional, national or European subsidies for actions that develop innovation … Read more


Growth of blockchain technology in Cataluña

Growth of blockchain technology in Cataluña Growth of blockchain technology in Cataluña The horizon that this new decade presents us with will give continuity to what is known as the Digital Transformation. Although this concept is very broad, we can specify and highlight the following applications: Urban equipment and infrastructure (Smart cities) Financial Technologies (Fintech) … Read more

Factors that favour the innovation of organizations

Fractors that favour the innovation of organizations FACTORS THAT FAVOUR THE INNOVATION OF ORGANIZATIONS The competitiveness of companies in a globalized environment accentuates the need to systematically generate scientific and technological knowledge and tools that consolidate it into new products and services. In this way, it contributes to social welfare and sustained economic growth, promoting … Read more

Agile Methodologies at the core of Tech Companies’ Innovation Plan

Agile Methodologies at the core of Tech Companies Innovation Plan Agile Methodologies at the core of Tech Companies Innovation Plan The innovation process starts with a new idea to improve a product or a process, as a result of understanding and responding to changes of the environment. The propensity of a firm to identify areas … Read more

Know the advantages of being an innovative SME

Know the advantages of being an innovative SME MAIN ADVANTAGES OF BEING AN INNOVATIVE SME In Euro-Funding we constantly work hand in hand with companies advising them on how to obtain the Innovative SME seal. The Innovative SME seal is a tool recognized by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness that rewards companies that are … Read more


Financing of cooperative R&D projects

Main national calls for funding of cooperative R&D projects main national calls for funding of cooperative R&D projects In the coming days, some of the main national calls for cooperative R&D project funding will be published. These calls are endowed with funds from the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism, so it will be essential to pay … Read more

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