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Competitive advantages of energy efficiency policies

Competitive advantages of energy efficiency policies Competitive advantages of energy efficiency policies Companies moving towards a circular economy model have access to subsidies and grants provided by the European Union. Making environmental protection and cost savings compatible in business is not only possible, but must be assumed as a cause and effect relationship. The linear … Read more

CDTI Cervera Transfer

Lack of relevant financial guarantees | CDTI Cervera Transfer

Lack of relevant financial guarantees | CDTI Cervera Transfer Lack of relevant financial guarantees | cdti Cervera Transfer With the aim of strengthening the activity of the best technology centres and encouraging business innovation in Spain, CDTI presented “Cervera Transfer” programme. The programme will finance R&D projects carried out by SMEs and midcaps (in collaboration … Read more

Cascading funding from European Union

Cascading fundingfrom European Union MORE SIMPLIFIED MECHANISM THAN PARTICIPATION IN EUROPEAN CALLS FOR PROPOSALS If you want to participate in European projects and you have not been able to join a consortium in time, it is not too late to participate in competitive cascade funding processes that provide funding to third parties (FSTP). The “Cascade … Read more

Calls state agency of investigation

Find out the calls of the state agency of investigation

Find out the calls of the state agency of investigation Find out the calls of the state agency of investigation We would like to share with you a calendar of the future calls of the State Agency of Investigation (AEI), in the document it is detailed: Planning of the 2018 calls pending resolution Planning of … Read more

All in progress for the Law on the Promotion of the Startup Ecosystem

All in progress for the Law on the Promotion of the Startup Ecosystem PROMOTION OF THE STARTUP ECOSYSTEM On 25 January, the deadline for submitting comments on the public consultation prior to the drafting of the text of the draft “Law on the Promotion of the Startups Ecosystem”, by virtue of Article 26.2 of Law … Read more

750 Billion anti-crisis fund, the Commission´s solomic bet

750 Billion anti-crisis fund, the Commission´s solomic bet NEW RECOVERY FUND PRESENTED BY THE EUROPEAN COMMISION In response to the ravages of the COVID19 pandemic, the European Commission (EC) has presented a recovery fund with a volume of 750 billion recovery fund, a pillar on which an anti-crisis plan is based that includes an unprecedented … Read more

Plan para el sector turístico

New Plan for the Tourism Sector

New plan for the tourism sector PLAN FOR THE MODERNIZATION AND COMPETITIVENESS OF THE TOURISM SECTOR The Minister of Industry, Trade and Tourism, Reyes Maroto, presented the Modernization and Competitiveness Plan for the tourism sector, which will involve a public investment of 3,400 million euros over the next three years and will form part of … Read more

“We need to get ahead in identifying projects” Interview

“We must get ahead in project identification” Interview WE MUST GET A HEAD START ON PROJECT IDENTIFICATION Our colleague Estefanía Blanch, Key Account Manager of Euro-Funding, has participated in an interview in the program Emprende of RTVE. In the interview Estefania commented on the modus operandi of Euro-Funding through the raising of public funds together … Read more


“We maximize the approval rate of projects” Interview

“We maximize the approval rating of projects” Interview We maximize the approval rate of projects Our colleague Victoria Palau has attended an interview in Radio Empresa 360, where she has made known the work of Euro-Funding since its inception, responding to the tax deduction for R & D as aid management and other services to … Read more

Webinar Summary: EIC Financing Instruments

Webinar Summary: EIC Financing Instruments European Innovation Council funding instruments On October 27th we held a webinar on the new funding instruments of the EIC (European Innovation Council) in Horizon Europe.  In the session, we highlighted the boost that Horizon Europe wants to give to the European Innovation Ecosystem, and in particular to the newly … Read more

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