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Keys to efficient driving

Keys to efficient driving Enrique Roca Industrial Technical Engineer with specialization in Mechanics. He is currently Technical Manager in the Energy Efficiency and Sustainability unit of Euro-Funding, in which he carries out, among other services, the management of public aid for energy saving and efficiency, aid for environmental actions, waste reduction and circular economy, technical … Read more

The Circular Economy and its importance in the energy future

The Circular Economy and its importance in the energy future The Circular Economy and its importance in the energy future What will the earth be like in 2048?  Lately we have heard many times this question about what our planet will be like in the future. But are we aware of the environmental problems we … Read more

Tips to reduce your company’s energy bills

Tips to reduce your company´s energy bill Tips to reduce your company´s energy bill It is very gratifying to see how companies have a clear short/medium-term objective to reduce their energy consumption costs. Unfortunately, this is only the case from the moment they have made a significant impact on their wallets. No matter how much … Read more

The transformation of the agricultural sector towards sustainability

The transformation of the agricultural sector towards sustainability A MORE SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURAL SECTOR The pandemic has disrupted all sectors of the Spanish economy and society. In the case of the agricultural sector, farmers and ranchers are doing their best to continue producing the food needed to supply the countries of the European Union. In fact, … Read more

Public funds

Webinar summary: Cluster 5 Climate, Energy and Mobility

Summary webinar: Cluster 5 Climate, Energy and Mobility What is the Horizon Europe programme about? Horizon Europe, the new Framework Programme of the European Union, a continuation of the H2020 programme, has as one of its thematic priorities the promotion of technologies in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals and the strategic agendas associated with … Read more

IDAE Program

IDAE Industrial Programme extends its deadline

IDAE industrial Programme extends its deadline NEW DEADLINE FOR THE IDAE INDUSTRIAL PROGRAMME The deadline for submitting applications for aid from the IDAE’s SME and large industrial sector aid programme has been extended to 31 December 2018 or to exhaust funds. To date the Program has a fund of € 30 million of unreserved budget. … Read more

Energy efficiency

How to be more efficient when it comes to saving on your electricity bill

How to be more efficient when it comes to saving on your electricity bill How to be more efficient when it comes to saving on your electricity bill Our colleague Enrique Roca, Technical Director of the Sustainability team, explains the most effective ways to save on electricity bills. First of all, it is essential to … Read more


Fourth year of monitoring : ISO 27001 Information Security

Fourth year of monitoring: ISO 27001 Information Security FOURTH YEAR OF MONITORING | ISO 27001 After a lot of hard work, Euro-funding has successfully passed the fourth year of ISO 27001 monitoring, referring to Information Security. Euro-Funding  have been reviewed and audited, reflecting Euro-Funding’s commitment to guaranteeing the security of information in all our activities … Read more

Enviromental Risk Analysis

Final line for Environmental Risk Analysis

Final line for Environmental Risk Analysis FINAL LINE FOR ENVIROMENTAL RISK ANALYSIS Law 26/2007, of 23 October, on Environmental Responsibility, modified by Law 11/2014, of 3 July, establishes in Annex III the activities that must have a financial guarantee that allows them to face the environmental responsibility inherent to the activity they carry out. Said … Read more

Clima Program

We have recduced 5.700 tons of CO2 thanks to the CLIMA Program

5.700 less tons of CO2 thanks to the CLIMA Program We have reduced 5.700 tons of co2 We have currently managed very disparate projects, which cover almost all the variants of projects admitted in the Clime Programme, among them: Modal shift projects from road to rail transport Renewal of the fleet of vehicles replacing vehicles … Read more

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