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Marie Sklodowska Curie (MSCA)

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  5. Marie Sklodowska Curie (MSCA)

The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions funding line aims to support all stages of the professional career of a researcher from a European Union member country. It is a program that encourages collaboration and exchange of ideas between industrialized sectors with a strong R&D presence, all for the benefit of the European economy. The European Union set aside €6.16 billion in 2020 to spend on researcher training and career development.


Opening date

Next deadline

Deadline model



11 October 2022

09 February 2023


MSCA Staff Exchanges 2022

06 October 2022

08 March 2023 


MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2023

12 April 2023

13 September 2023


MSCA Researchers at Risk 2024

12 September 2024



European Researchers’ Night and Researchers at Schools 2024-2025

20 June 2023

25 October 2023


MSCA Doctoral Networks 2023

30 May 2023

28 November 2023



10 October 2023

08 February 2024


MSCA Feedback To Policy 2023

07 March 2023

06 June 2023


MSCA Staff Exchanges 2023

05 October 2023

28 February 2024


MSCA Doctoral Networks 2024

29 May 2024

27 November 2024



10 October 2023

08 February 2024


MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024

10 April 2024

11 September 2024


MSCA International Cooperation 2024

16 May 2024

04 September 2024


Trans-national cooperation among Marie Skłodowska-Curie National Contact Points (NCP) 2024

10 October 2024

08 March 2023 


MSCA Staff Exchanges 2024

10 October 2024

05 March 2025


MSCA Staff Exchanges 2022

06 October 2022

08 March 2023 


Budget: €6.16 billion

Organism: European Comission

Nature of the project: R&D


Innovative Training Networks (ITN)

ITNs drive scientific excellence and innovation. They bring together universities, research institutes and other sectors from around the world to train researchers up to PhD level. There are three types of research networks:

  1. European training networks
  2. European Industrial Doctorates
  3. European Joint Doctorates

All areas of research from molecular biology to urban development are eligible for funding. Proposals should:

  • Reflect existing or planned research cooperation between the partners;
  • Engage researchers through customized research projects.
  • Explain how the recruitment of researchers, who must come from another country, will be open and transparent

Can cover up to 360 person-months (standard) + additional 180 person-months for joint or industrial doctorates

The grants cover:

  • The recruitment and training of each researcher for a maximum of three years. The researcher is hired under an employment contract and benefits from a monthly living allowance, social security coverage and a mobility and family allowance.
  • Research costs, including the organization of joint activities and conferences.
  • Management and indirect costs.

MSCA Cofund

The Co-Funding of Regional, National and International Programs (COFUND) provides organizations with additional financial support for their own research training and career development programs.

Additional funds are available for new or existing research training programs abroad and in various sectors.

COFUND supports doctoral programs for doctoral candidates as well as fellowship programs for experienced researchers.

Each COFUND proposal must have a core participant, such as a

  • Government ministry
  • Regional authority
  • Funding agency
  • University
  • Research organization
  • Research organization
  • Company

10 million euros of co-financing (70% of living expenses + mobility allowance).

Participating organizations receive a fixed amount for each funded researcher, as a contribution to their per diem and for program management expenses

MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships

Individual Fellowships (IF) are a great option if you are an experienced researcher looking to give your career a boost by working abroad.

They offer exciting new learning opportunities and the chance to add some polish to your CV.

All areas of research from molecular biology to urban development are eligible for funding. Proposals should:

  • Reflect existing or planned research cooperation between partners.
  • Involve the investigators through customized research projects
  • Explain how the recruitment of researchers, who must come from another country, will be open and transparent

Subsistence allowance of 4,880 euros per month + Country weighting

The fellowship provides an allowance to cover living, travel and family expenses. In addition, the EU contributes to the fellow’s training, networking and research costs, as well as management and indirect costs of the project. The fellowship is awarded to the host organization, which is usually a university, research center or company in Europe.

MSCA Staff Exchanges

RISE funds short-term staff exchanges between academic, industrial and commercial organizations around the world.

It helps people develop their knowledge, skills and careers, while creating links between organizations working in different sectors of the economy, including universities, research institutes and SMEs.

All areas of research, from molecular biology to urban development, are eligible for funding.

Proposals should

  • reflect existing or planned research cooperation between the partners;
  • involve investigators through customized research projects
  • explain how the recruitment of the researchers, who must come from another country, will be open and transparent

10 million euros of co-financing (70% of living expenses + mobility allowance).

Participating organizations receive a fixed amount for each funded researcher, as a contribution to their per diem and for program management expenses

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