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Horizon Europe Calls:
It´s time to get ready for 2023

Horizon Europe

Horizon Europe Program 2023

Horizon Europe programme stretches over a 7-year period, in line with the duration of the multiannual financial framework of the EU. While the start of the programme in 2021 was delayed due to the pandemics and Brexit, the EC has progressively recovered its delay. Horizon Europe work programme 2021-2022 was published in the first quarter 2021, and we expect the new biannual work programme 2023-2024 to be published on 28 November 2022.

Horizon Europe mainly funds collaborative calls throughout the 3 pillars of the Programme: pillar 1: Excellent Science, pillar 2: Global Challenges and Industrial competitiveness, pillar 3: Innovative Europe. There are few exceptions in Pillar 1 and 3 where for some calls are for sing applicants only (European Research Council calls, Marie Curie postdoctoral fellowships calls or the EIC Accelerator programme, among others), but the majority of other calls require to apply in consortia.

Preparing collaborative proposals take time, it requires following a number of steps such as:

  • Identifying topics of interest for your organisation in line with your projects and the areas you wish to explore/research or the technologies you wish to scale up.
  • Review topics in detail, to analyse the specific objective of each project, understand the political priorities it aims to pursue, the state of the art of current solutions and what parts of the project you can contribute to implement.
  • Evaluate the best type of partners to make sure you have a winning consortium.
  • Verify whether you already have these types of partners in your network of contacts or if you need to engage in a search to complete your consortium
  • Elaborate a project concept and a multidisciplinary methodology that matches your objectives with the call expected outcomes.
  • Plan your proposal preparation and start to work!

Altogether, depending on the size of a project and the complexity of developing it, can take between 2 to 6 months. Hence starting early is paramount to make sure you kick-off on the right foot to set aside the best chances to prepare an excellent project able to achieve  the maximum mark to be funded.

European Innovation Consultants such as Euro-Funding work all the year round in preparing excellent proposals, we work with engineers, doctors, business model experts, who are used to manage calls, design project ideas and manage medium to large size consortia, which require method, leadership and expertise.

Some drafts of the upcoming programmes have been circulated or leaked, the latest drafts include the expected deadlines of the next calls, budget and size of the projects expected to be presented. At Euro-Funding we also have access to Horizon Europe work programme drafts, so we are able to already identify topics ( ideal description of a project that the EC wishes to fund) fitting the needs of our clients.

Do you want to check if your project idea may have chances to be funded under an EU call? Let us know about your idea here


Widera Work Programme

This horizontal pillar is transversal and complementary to all the financing schemes in Horizon Europe and other European financing programs. Objetive This program aims to

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