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Cluster 6: Food, Bioeconomy Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment

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  5. Cluster 6: Food, Bioeconomy Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment

This cluster aims to reduce environmental degradation, halt and reverse the decline of biodiversity on land, inland waters and the sea, and better manage natural resources through transformative changes to the economy and society in the areas urban and rural.

Areas of intervention

  • Observation of the environment.
  • Biodiversity and natural resources.
  • Agriculture, forestry and rural areas.
  • Seas, oceans and inland waters.
  • Food systems.
  • Bio-based innovation systems in the EU bioeconomy.
  • Circular systems.


Opening date

Next deadline

Deadline model


Onsite digital technologies to monitor nutrients and chemical or biological stressors in soil and plants with relevance for food safety and nutrition

17 January 2023

20 September 2023


Innovations to prevent and combat desertification

17 January 2023

20 September 2023


Back to earth: bringing communities and citizens closer to soil

17 January 2023

20 September 2023


Discovering the subsoil 

17 January 2023

20 September 2023


Soil-friendly practices in horticulture, including alternative growing media

17 January 2023

20 September 2023


Soils in spatial planning

17 January 2023

20 September 2023


Carbon farming in living labs

17 January 2023

20 September 2023


Co-creating solutions for soil health in Living Labs

17 January 2023

20 September 2023


Soil pollution processes – modelling and inclusion in advanced digital decision-support tools

17 January 2023

20 September 2023


Mission Ocean and Waters and Mission A Soil Deal for Europe – Joint demonstration of approaches and solutions to address nutrient pollution in the landscape-river-sea system in the Mediterranean sea basin

17 January 2023

20 September 2023


Co-designed smart systems and services for user-centred shared zero-emission mobility of people and freight in urban areas (2Zero, CCAM and Cities’ Mission)

10 January 2023

20 September 2023


Urban greening and re-naturing for urban regeneration, resilience and climate neutrality

10 January 2023

27 April 2023


Positive clean energy district (PED) digital twins – from modelling to creating climate neutral Cities

10 January 2023

27 April 2023


Testing and demonstrating transformative solutions increasing climate resilience of the agriculture and/or forestry sector.

10 January 2023

20 September


Circular Cities and Regions Initiative (CCRI)’s circular systemic solutions

22 December 2022

First stage deadline
28 March 2023

Second stage deadline
26 September


Novel, sustainable and circular bio-based textiles

14 December 2022

First stage deadline
28 March 2023

Second stage deadline
26 September


Non-plant biomass feedstock for industrial applications: technologies and processes to convert non-lignocellulosic biomass and waste into bio-based chemicals, materials and products, improving the cascading valorisation of biomass

22 December 2022

First stage deadline
28 March 2023

Second stage deadline
26 September


Supporting the fair and just transition from GHG-intensive economies facing challenges towards circular bioeconomy model regions

22 December 2022

28 March 2023


Optimising the sustainable production of wood and non-wood products in small forest properties and development of new forest-based value chains

22 December 2022

28 March 2023


Monitoring the multi-functionality of European forests

22 December 2022

28 March 2023


One hundred circular model households: making European households sustainable through inclusive circular practices

22 December 2022

28 March 2023


Harnessing the innovation potential and market uptake of successful circular economy water related projects

22 December 2022

28 March 2023


Broadening the spectrum of robust enzymes and microbial hosts in industrial biotechnology

22 December 2022

28 March 2023


Novel culturing of aquatic organisms for blue biotechnology applications

22 December 2022

28 March 2023


Symbiosis in the bio-based industrial ecosystems

22 December 2022

28 March 2023


Eco-friendly consumer products – low-toxicity/zero pollution construction bio-based materials

22 December 2022

28 March 2023


Business models that balance the share of power and profit in the bioeconomy

22 December 2022

28 March 2023


Bio-based solutions for humanitarian applications

22 December 2022

28 March 2023


Capturing market trends and societal perceptions for tailor-made forest services

22 December 2022

28 March 2023


Enhancing collaboration between Circular Cities and Regions Initiative’s (CCRI) supporting organisations

22 December 2022

28 March 2023


Land-based bioprospecting and production of bioactive compounds and functional materials for multiple bio-based value chains

22 December 2022

28 March 2023


Environmental sustainability and circularity criteria for industrial bio-based systems

22 December 2022

28 March 2023


Biosensors and user-friendly diagnostic tools for environmental services

22 December 2022

28 March 2023


Knowledge and innovative solutions in agriculture for water availability and quality

22 December 2022

28 March 2023


Industrial biotechnology approaches for improved sustainability and output of industrial bio-based processes

22 December 2022

28 March 2023


Tackling human and climate change induced pollution in the Arctic – building resilient socio-ecological systems

22 December 2022

28 March 2023


Safe-and-sustainable-by-design bio-based platform chemicals, additives, materials or products as alternatives

22 December 2022

First stage deadline
28 March 2023 

Second stage deadline
26 September 2023


Integrated assessment and monitoring of emerging pollutants in the marine environment

22 December 2022

28 March 2023


Strategies to prevent and reduce plastic packaging pollution from the food system

22 December 2022

28 March 2023


Optimisation of manure use along the management chain to mitigate GHG emissions and minimize nutrients/contaminants dispersion in the environment

22 December 2022

First stage deadline
28 March 2023 

Second stage deadline
26 September 2023


Better understanding of routes of exposure and toxicological and ecological impacts of chemical pollution on terrestrial biodiversity

22 December 2022

28 March 2023


Integrative forest management for multiple ecosystem services and enhanced biodiversity

22 December 2022

28 March 2023


Impact of light and noise pollution on biodiversity

22 December 2022

28 March 2023


Interdisciplinary assessment of changes affecting terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems, building on observation programmes

22 December 2022

28 March 2023


Build up of knowledge on Nature Positive Economy and supporting its scale-up

22 December 2022

28 March 2023


Biodiversity friendly practices in agriculture – breeding for Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

22 December 2022

28 March 2023


Valorisation of ecosystem services provided by legume crops

22 December 2022

28 March 2023


Interlinkages between biodiversity loss and degradation of ecosystems and the emergence of zoonotic diseases

22 December 2022

28 March 2023


Understanding and reducing bycatch of protected species

22 December 2022

28 March 2023


Demonstration of marine and coastal infrastructures as hybrid blue-grey Nature-based Solutions

22 December 2022

28 March 2023


Biodiversity, economics and finance: unlocking financial flows towards reversing of biodiversity loss

22 December 2022

28 March 2023


Crop wild relatives for sustainable agriculture

22 December 2022

28 March 2023


Biodiversity loss and enhancing ecosystem services in urban and peri-urban areas

22 December 2022

28 March 2023


Additional activities for the European Biodiversity Partnership: Biodiversa+

22 December 2022

28 March 2023


Reinforcing science policy support with IPBES and IPCC for better interconnected biodiversity and climate policies

22 December 2022

28 March 2023


Nature protection: Better methods and knowledge to improve the conservation status of EU-protected species and habitats

22 December 2022

28 March 2023


Restoration of deep-sea habitats

22 December 2022

28 March 2023


Addressing biodiversity decline and promoting Nature-based Solutions in higher education

22 December 2022

28 March 2023


Ocean and coastal waters carbon- and biodiversity-rich ecosystems and habitats in Europe and the Polar Regions 

22 December 2022

12 April 2023


Pilot network of climate-positive organic farms

22 December 2022

12 April 2023


Closing the research gaps on Essential Ocean Variables (EOVs) in support of global assessments 

22 December 2022

12 April 2023


Improve the reliability and effectiveness of alternative water resources supply systems and technologies

22 December 2022

12 April 2023


Demonstration network on climate-smart farming – linking research stations

22 December 2022

12 April 2023


Analysing fossil-energy dependence in agriculture to increase resilience against input price fluctuations

22 December 2022

12 April 2023


Enhancing the sustainable production of renewable energy at farm-level

22 December 2022

12 April 2023


Enhancing social inclusion in rural areas: focus on people in a vulnerable situation and social economy

22 December 2022

12 April 2023


International benchmarking of rural and territorial policies and delivery mechanisms

22 December 2022

12 April 2023


Assessing urban farming impacts

22 December 2022

12 April 2023


Improving rural future through better territorial governance and rural-urban synergies

22 December 2022

12 April 2023


Investigating the contribution of geographical indications (GIs) to sustainable development and optimising support for newly established schemes

22 December 2022

12 April 2023


Inclusive and smart ways to communicate sustainability of food

22 December 2022

12 April 2023


Microbiomes fighting food waste through applicable solutions in food processing, packaging and shelf life

22 December 2022

12 April 2023


Support for the implementation of a sustainable platform for the EU-African Union cooperation under the Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture (FNSSA) partnership

22 December 2022

12 April 2023


Support to the markets and trade of agroecological food products under the Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture (FNSSA) partnership

22 December 2022

12 April 2023


Cultured meat and cultured seafood – state of play and future prospects in the EU

22 December 2022

12 April 2023


Fostering resilient European food systems in a changing world

22 December 2022

12 April 2023


European partnership on animal health and welfare

22 December 2022

12 April 2023


Towards research and innovation beyond farm to fork strategy targets for pesticides after 2030

22 December 2022

12 April 2023


Advancing vaccine development for African swine fever

22 December 2022

12 April 2023


New detection methods on products derived from new genomic techniques for traceability, transparency and innovation in the food system

22 December 2022

12 April 2023


EU-Africa Union – food safety

22 December 2022

12 April 2023


Innovations in plant protection: alternatives to reduce the use of pesticides focusing on candidates for substitution

22 December 2022

12 April 2023


Eradicate micronutrient deficiencies in the EU

22 December 2022

12 April 2023


EU-African Union cooperation – linking the activities of the Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture (FNSSA) partnership and those of the Pan-African Network for Economic Analysis of Policies (PANAP)

22 December 2022

12 April 2023


Towards sustainable livestock systems: European platform for evidence building and transitioning policy

22 December 2022

12 April 2023


European partnership on accelerating farming systems transition – agroecology living labs and research infrastructures

22 December 2022

12 April 2023


Thematic network ensuring food safety by translating research and innovation into practice

22 December 2022

12 April 2023


Providing marketing solutions to prevent and reduce the food waste related to marketing standards

22 December 2022

12 April 2023


Improving yields in organic cropping systems

22 December 2022

12 April 2023


European partnership on sustainable food systems for people, planet and climate

22 December 2022

12 April 2023


Using automatic species recognition and artificial intelligence to fight illegal fish discards and revolutionise fisheries control

22 December 2022

12 April 2023


Digital technologies supporting plant health early detection, territory surveillance and phytosanitary measures

22 December 2022

23 March 2023


Advancing analytical capacity and tools to support EU agri-food policies post 2027

22 December 2022

23 March 2023


Integrated assessment of land use and biomass demands to contribute to a sustainable healthy and fair bioeconomy

22 December 2022

23 March 2023


Data-driven solutions to foster industry’s contribution to inclusive and sustainable food systems

22 December 2022

23 March 2023


Developing EU advisory networks on the optimal fertiliser use

22 December 2022

23 March 2023


Coordination and supporting action to increase synergies in the dissemination and exploitation of climate observations by World Meteorological Organization and its affiliated bodies

22 December 2022

23 March 2023


Support to EuroGEO initiative coordination/establishing a EuroGEO secretariat

22 December 2022

23 March 2023


Towards CAP post 2027: evidence on nudging farmers to leverage more sustainable practices and behaviours

22 December 2022

23 March 2023


Mobilising BIOEAST networks for the development of national bioeconomy action programmes in support of the European Green Deal

22 December 2022

23 March 2023


Developing an EU advisory network on organic agriculture

22 December 2022

23 March 2023


Reducing observation gaps in the land-sea interface area

22 December 2022

23 March 2023


Digitalisation in agriculture and forestry: markets for data, and digital technologies and infrastructure – state of play and foresight in a fast changing regulatory, trade and technical environment

22 December 2022

23 March 2023


Open source solutions for edge, cloud and mixed model applications to strengthen production and administrative capacities in agriculture

22 December 2022

23 March 2023


Empowering citizens to monitor, report and act in partnership with relevant public authorities to protect their environment in the context of environmental compliance assurance

22 December 2022

23 March 2023


Broaden EIP Operational Group outcomes across borders by means of thematic networks to compile and share knowledge ready for practice

22 December 2022

23 March 2023


Thematic networks to compile and share knowledge ready for practice

22 December 2022

23 March 2023


Digital and data technologies for livestock tracking

22 December 2022

23 March 2023


Additional activities for the European Partnership Water Security for the Planet (Water4All)

22 December 2022

12 April 2023


New detection methods on products derived from new genomic techniques for traceability, transparency and innovation in the food system

22 December 2022

12 April 2023


Towards sustainable livestock systems: European platform for evidence building and transitioning policy

22 December 2022

12 April 2023


Cultured meat and cultured seafood – state of play and future prospects in the EU

22 December 2022

12 April 2023


Providing marketing solutions to prevent and reduce the food waste related to marketing standards

22 December 2022

12 April 2023


Ambit: Europe

Budget: 8.952 M€

Organization: European Comission.

Naturaleza de proyecto: R&d

Any type of organization can apply for funding from Horizon Europe as long as it has the operational and financial capacity to carry out the tasks it proposes.

Direct or indirect costs 

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