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Cluster 5: Climate, energy and mobility

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  5. Cluster 5: Climate, energy and mobility

This cluster aims to fight climate change by better understanding its causes, evolution, risks, impacts and opportunities, and making the energy and transport sectors more respectful of the climate and the environment, more efficient and competitive, more intelligent , safer and more resistant.

Eligible actions

  • Climate science and solutions.
  • Energy supply.
  • Energy systems and networks.
  • Buildings and industrial facilities in energy transition.
  • Communities and cities.
    Industrial competitiveness in transport.
  • Clean, safe and accessible transport and mobility.
  • Smart mobility.
  • Energy storage.


Opening date

Next deadline

Deadline model


Mission Ocean and Waters and Mission A Soil Deal for Europe – Joint demonstration of approaches and solutions to address nutrient pollution in the landscape-river-sea system in the Mediterranean sea basin

17 January 2023

20 September 2023


Co-designed smart systems and services for user-centred shared zero-emission mobility of people and freight in urban areas (2Zero, CCAM and Cities’ Mission)

10 January 2023

27 April 2023 


Urban greening and re-naturing for urban regeneration, resilience and climate neutrality

10 January 2023

27 April 2023


Positive clean energy district (PED) digital twins – from modelling to creating climate neutral Cities

10 January 2023

27 April 2023


Testing and demonstrating transformative solutions to build resilience towards health risks caused by the effects of climate change

10 January 2023

20 September 2023


Testing and demonstrating transformative solutions increasing climate resilience of the agriculture and/or forestry sector.

10 January 2023

20 September 2023


Testing and demonstrating transformative solutions to protect critical infrastructure from climate change, mainstreaming nature based solutions.

10 January 2023

20 September 2023


Thermal management and energy optimisation of high energy demand IT systems equipment in tertiary buildings

13 December 2022

20 April 2023 


Integrated real-time digital solutions to optimise navigation and port calls to reduce emissions from shipping (ZEWT Partnership)

13 December 2022

20 April 2023


Towards the implementation of the inland navigation action programme with a focus on Green and Connected Inland Waterway Transport

13 December 2022

20 April 2023


Support for the organisation of EU-US symposia in the field of Transport Research

13 December 2022

20 April 2023


Interoperable solutions for positive energy districts (PEDs), including a better integration of local renewables and local excess heat sources

13 December 2022

20 April 2023 


Future-proofing historical buildings for the clean energy transition

13 December 2022

20 April 2023 


Innovative solutions for cost-effective decarbonisation of buildings through energy efficiency and electrification

13 December 2022

20 April 2023 


Measuring road transport results towards 2ZERO KPIs (2ZERO Partnership)

13 December 2022

20 April 2023


Developing a Data Quality and Utility Label for the European Health Data Space

12 January 2023

13 April 2023


Accelerating climate-neutral hydrogen-powered/electrified aviation

13 December 2022

20 April 2023


Innovative battery management systems for next generation vehicles (2ZERO & Batt4EU Partnership)

13 December 2022

20 April 2023


Developing a flexible offshore supply of zero emission auxiliary power for ships moored or anchored at sea deployable before 2030 (ZEWT Partnership)

13 December 2022

20 April 2023


Advanced transport emissions monitoring networks

13 December 2022

20 April 2023 


Innovative cost-efficient solutions for zero-emission buildings

13 December 2022

20 April 2023 


Aviation research synergies between Horizon Europe, AZEA and National programs

13 December 2022

20 April 2023


Developing small, flexible, zero-emission and automated vessels to support shifting cargo from road to sustainable Waterborne Transport

13 December 2022

20 April 2023 


Frugal zero-emission vehicles concepts for the urban passenger challenge (2ZERO Partnership)

13 December 2022

20 April 2023


EU Member States/Associated countries research policy cooperation network to accelerate zero-emission road mobility (2ZERO Partnership)

13 December 2022

20 April 2023


Competitiveness and digital transformation in aviation – advancing further capabilities, digital approach to design

13 December 2022

20 April 2023


Integration of renewable heat or industrial waste heat in heat-to-cold conversion systems to generate cold for industrial processes

13 December 2022

20 April 2023


User-centric design and operation of EV for optimized energy efficiency (2ZERO Partnership)

13 December 2022

20 April 2023


Hydrogen-powered aviation

13 December 2022

20 April 2023 


Reducing the environmental impact from shipyards and developing a whole life strategy to measure and minimise the non-operational environmental impacts from shipping

13 December 2022

20 April 2023


Circular economy approaches for zero emission vehicles (2ZERO Partnership)

13 December 2022

20 April 2023


Developing the next generation of power conversion technologies for sustainable alternative carbon neutral fuels in waterborne applications (ZEWT Partnership)

13 December 2022

20 April 2023


Battery management system (BMS) and battery system design for stationary energy storage systems (ESS) to improve interoperability and facilitate the integration of second life batteries (Batt4EU Partnership)

13 December 2022

18 April 2023 


PV integration in buildings and in infrastructure

13 December 2022

30 March 2023


Solar Systems for Industrial Process Heat and Power

10 January 2023

30 March 2023


Demonstration of DC powered data centres, buildings, industries and ports

13 December 2022

15 March 2023 


Demonstration of innovative, large-scale, seasonal heat and/or cooling storage technologies for decarbonisation and security of supply

13 December 2022

30 March 2023


Clean Energy Transition Co-funded Partnership

13 December 2022

30 March 2023


Advanced digital twins for battery cell production lines (Batt4EU Partnership)

13 December 2022

18 April 2023


Floating PV Systems

13 December 2022

30 March 2023


Supporting the development of a digital twin to improve management, operations and resilience of the EU Electricity System in support to REPowerEU

13 December 2022

30 March 2023


Support action to the SET Plan IWG on HVDC & DC Technologies

13 December 2022

30 March 2023


Development of CO2 transport and storage demo projects

13 December 2022

30 March 2023


Open Pilot Line/Test Bed for hydrogen

13 December 2022

18 April 2023


Driving Urban Transition Co-funded Partnership

13 December 2022

18 April 2023 


Demonstration of advanced biofuel technologies for aviation and/or shipping

13 December 2022

30 March 2023


Development of MVDC, HVDC and High-Power Transmission systems and components for a resilient grid

13 December 2022

30 March 2023


Renewable Energy Valleys to increase energy security while accelerating the green transition in Europe

13 December 2022

30 March 2023


Support for the deployment of R&I results for climate mitigation. Synergies with the ETS Innovation Fund

13 December 2022

18 April 2023


New processes for upcoming recycling feeds (Batt4EU Partnership)

13 December 2022

18 April 2023


Demonstration of synthetic renewable fuel for aviation and/or shipping

13 December 2022

30 March 2023


Critical technologies for the offshore wind farm of the Future

13 December 2022

30 March 2023


Technologies for sustainable, cost-efficient and low carbon footprint downstream processing & production of battery-grade materials (Batt4EU Partnership)

13 December 2022

18 April 2023


Hybrid electric energy storage solutions for grid support and charging infrastructure (Batt4EU Partnership)

13 December 2022

18 April 2023


Development of novel long-term electricity storage technologies

13 December 2022

30 March 2023


Supporting the green and digital transformation of the energy ecosystem and enhancing its resilience through the development and piloting of AI-IoT Edge-cloud and platform solutions

13 December 2022

30 March 2023


Demonstration of sustainable tidal energy farms

13 December 2022

30 March 2023


Waste heat reutilisation from data centres

13 December 2022

30 March 2023


EU-China international cooperation on data and model development for pathways to carbon neutrality: focusing on decarbonisation, energy efficiency and socio-economic implications of the transition

13 December 2022

18 April 2023 


EU-China international cooperation on blue carbon

13 December 2022

18 April 2023


Modelling for local resilience – Developments in support of local adaptation assessments and plans

13 December 2022

18 April 2023


Solar Radiation Modification: governance of research

13 December 2022

18 April 2023


Needs-based adaptation to climate change in Africa

13 December 2022

18 April 2023


Climate-related tipping points

13 December 2022

18 April 2023 


Science for successful, high-integrity voluntary climate initiatives

13 December 2022

18 April 2023


Further climate knowledge through advanced science and technologies for analysing Earth observation and Earth system model data

13 December 2022

18 April 2023


Improved knowledge in cloud-aerosol interaction

13 December 2022

18 April 2023


Improving the evidence base regarding the impact of sustainability and climate change education and related learning outcomes

13 December 2022

18 April 2023


Climate impacts of a hydrogen economy

13 December 2022

18 April 2023


Broadening the range of policy options in transition pathway analysis

13 December 2022

18 April 2023


Behavioural change and governance for systemic transformations towards climate resilience

13 December 2022

18 April 2023


Scope: Europe

Budget 15.123 M€

Organization: European Comission

Nature of the project: R+D

Any type of organization can apply for funding from Horizon Europe as long as it has the operational and financial capacity to carry out the tasks it proposes.

Direct an indirect Costs

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