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The Interreg programs aim to promote territorial cooperation between regions and countries to contribute to their economic and social development and to face the obstacle of borders. The new Interreg 2021-2027 has a total budget of 10,000 million euros for the period 2021-2027. The individual programs are being approved by the European Commission, which is … Read more

Marie Sklodowska Curie (MSCA)

The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions funding line aims to support all stages of the professional career of a researcher from a European Union member country. It is a program that encourages collaboration and exchange of ideas between industrialized sectors with a strong R&D presence, all for the benefit of the European economy. The European Union set … Read more

Actions for the European Innovation Ecosystem

Aims to create and expand more connected, inclusive, and efficient innovation ecosystems that support the growth of companies and spur innovation to address important challenges in a responsible way .  The funding will support mainly strategically oriented long-term programmes of activities to enable authorities in charge of public national, regional, or local innovation policies and … Read more

Research Infrastructures Programme

Research infrastructures are facilities that provide resources and services to research communities to conduct research and foster innovation. They can be used beyond research, for education or public services and can be unidirectional, distributed or virtual. Eligible actions Reducing fragmentation of the research and innovation ecosystem Avoid duplication of efforts To better coordinate the development … Read more

European Research Council (ERC)

ERC is a body with the aim of promoting quality research with competitive funding and supporting cutting-edge research in all research fields in Europe. Eligible actions Support the best scientific work in Europe in all fields of science, scholarship and engineering Promote “bottom-up” cutting-edge research, fully driven by the researchers themselves Promote the work of … Read more

Cluster 6: Food, Bioeconomy Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment

This cluster aims to reduce environmental degradation, halt and reverse the decline of biodiversity on land, inland waters and the sea, and better manage natural resources through transformative changes to the economy and society in the areas urban and rural. Areas of intervention Observation of the environment. Biodiversity and natural resources. Agriculture, forestry and rural … Read more

Cluster 5: Climate, energy and mobility

This cluster aims to fight climate change by better understanding its causes, evolution, risks, impacts and opportunities, and making the energy and transport sectors more respectful of the climate and the environment, more efficient and competitive, more intelligent , safer and more resistant. Eligible actions Climate science and solutions. Energy supply. Energy systems and networks. … Read more

Just Transition Mechanism

The Just Transition Mechanism (JTM) is a key tool to ensure that the transition to a climate-neutral economy happens in a fair way, leaving no one behind. Eligible actions Investments in renewable energies and green and sustainable mobility, including the promotion of green hydrogenefficient district heating networks.Public researchDigitisationEnvironmental infrastructure for smart waste and water management.Sustainable … Read more

Single Market (SMP)​

The Single Market Programme (SMP) covers the single market, the competitiveness of enterprises, including small and medium-sized enterprises, the area of plants, animals, food and feed, and European statistics. Eligible actions The Internal Market: The SMP aims to ensure that citizens and businesses enjoy the benefits of the Internal Market and, through a range of … Read more

Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS)​

The program covers basic, new, sustainable and low carbon steelmaking and finishing processes. Elegibles actions The Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS) provides funding for high-quality research, pilot and demonstration projects, which support the competitiveness and sustainability of future low-emission industries in line with the European Green Deal. Open call deadlines To be published … Read more

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