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European funding

European funding for health research

European funding for health research European funding for health research In 2018 the Commission proposed an ambitious research and innovation programme of almost €100 billion – Horizon Europe (HE) – to succeed Horizon 2020, for the period 2021-2027. The HE programme is based on three pillars, and within Pillar II there are 6 clusters, the … Read more

Lebanon cooperation

We have strengthened our presence in Lebanon

We have strengthened our presence in Lebanon WE HAVE BEEN AWARDED WITH A NEW PROJECT FUNDED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION Our presence in Lebanon has been strengthened as, very recently, our Multilateral Projects partners have been awarded a new project funded by the European Union. From September 2021, for a period of 24 months, and … Read more

European public funds

Partnership with Globalcaja to boost public funds

Partnership with Globalcaja to boost public funds NEW COLLABORATION AGREEMENT WITH GLOBALCAJA Euro-Funding has signed a collaboration agreement with Globalcaja to provide companies and freelancers with a technical office that promotes the economic development of Castilla La Mancha by facilitating access to European funds. Through this alliance, Euro-Funding works by diagnosing the possibilities of companies … Read more

Public funds

Webinar summary: Cluster 5 Climate, Energy and Mobility

Summary webinar: Cluster 5 Climate, Energy and Mobility What is the Horizon Europe programme about? Horizon Europe, the new Framework Programme of the European Union, a continuation of the H2020 programme, has as one of its thematic priorities the promotion of technologies in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals and the strategic agendas associated with … Read more

Public funding for Asturian companies

Public funding for Asturian companies IDEPA GRANTS We spoke to several journalists about IDEPA Grants. For years, the public body has had a support structure for Asturian companies that includes economic and financial support programmes for the creation of new companies, financing programmes for business growth and programmes for the implementation of individual or collaborative … Read more

Cascade financing of European funds

Cascade financing of European funds cascade funding If you want to participate in European projects and have not managed to join a consortium in time, it is not too late to participate in competitive cascade funding processes that provide funding to third parties (FSTP). Cascade Funding is a European Commission mechanism that encourages the creation … Read more

Binding reasoned report

Binding reasoned reports for accreditation of R&D

Binding reasoned reports for certifying R&D REDUCE PREPARATION TIMES Tax deductions for R&D activities are one of the instruments used by the General State Administration to encourage companies to invest in R&D and innovation. In recent years, the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities has reduced the time required to obtain the Binding Reasoned Reports … Read more

Calculation of IBI Rústico

Calculation of rustic IBI Calculation of IBI rustic and optimisation of the taxation of the tax Article 21 of Royal Legislative Decree 7/2015, of 30 October, which approves the revised text of the Law on Land and Urban Rehabilitation, establishes that all land is in one of two basic situations: Rural land. Urbanised land. However, … Read more

The Real Estate Tax Gap in Spain

The Real Estate Tax Gap in Spain differences in the payment of ibi depending on the place of residence In this article we discuss the differences that exist in IBI depending on where you live. Property tax (IBI) is a compulsory tax for any property owner in Spain. This local tax is managed jointly by … Read more

The reasons for the rise in the price of cartonboard

The reasons for the rise in cartonboard prices WHAT ARE THE CAUSES OF THE INCREASE IN THE PRICE OF CARTONBOARD? We have collaborated with the digital media economíanews.com to address key issues such as ecommerce, the structure of demand, international demand, production capacity, and recycled paper. What are the causes that have led to this … Read more

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