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Cascade financing
of European funds

cascade funding

If you want to participate in European projects and have not managed to join a consortium in time, it is not too late to participate in competitive cascade funding processes that provide funding to third parties (FSTP).

Cascade Funding is a European Commission mechanism that encourages the creation and development of new companies and promotes their scalability, supporting new SMEs (including start-ups) or mid-cap companies. And all of this under the scheme of digital innovation.

More simplified mechanism than participation in European calls for proposals

The simplification of this instrument makes it a more attractive type of funding for companies, as it simplifies the application and assessment process for applying for European public funds through projects already funded and in operation. Therefore, they are considered as processes:

  • Competitive
  • Providing funding resources
  • Providing scientific/technical support to an existing project.

In this case, a consortium of companies and research centres that have received a competitive grant from European funds for the development of an R&D&I project, manage a series of resources that can be awarded to third parties following a method of competition known as Open Calls.

Throughout the duration of the project, and on the basis of the working groups, a consortium may decide that it needs to cover a type of scientific or technical need that cannot be resolved by the member groups.

In this way, Open Calls are launched, so that potential beneficiary groups can apply to the requirement of the project in question and improve the existing experimentation and innovation capacity of the project, whether at the product, service or business development level.

The topics are varied, focusing on digital issues, but open calls can also be found in Industry 4.0, Big Data, Robotics, Photonics, new generation internet, etc. At the end of the process, new partners join the consortium to carry out certain tasks of the project with a previously determined budget.

At Euro-Funding we develop financing maps for each project by analysing the different public calls for subsidies and credits at regional, state and European level. Our technical team analyses the investment plans to develop a tailor-made financing scenario.



Keys to efficient driving

Keys to efficient driving Enrique Roca Industrial Technical Engineer with specialization in Mechanics. He is currently Technical Manager in the Energy Efficiency and Sustainability unit

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