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Webinar Summary: EIC Financing Instruments

Webinar Summary: EIC Financing Instruments European Innovation Council funding instruments On October 27th we held a webinar on the new funding instruments of the EIC (European Innovation Council) in Horizon Europe.  In the session, we highlighted the boost that Horizon Europe wants to give to the European Innovation Ecosystem, and in particular to the newly … Read more

Webinar Summary: Cluster 4

Webinar Summary: Cluster 4 Clúster 4 Horizon Europe Horizon Europe, the new Framework Program of the European Union in charge of replacing H2020 poses a new scenario that has brought many doubts among companies seeking European funds for the development of projects, which is why from Euro-Funding we have launched a series of webinars to … Read more

Requisitos ayudas Comisión Europea

Three requirements for access to grants European Commission grants

Three requirements for access to grants European Commission grants HOW COMPANIES SHOULD PREPARE Nowadays many companies need and want to receive the aid that the European Commission offers to them. The EC grants can reach up to 17.5 million euros for a single project, an amount much higher than what can be obtained at the … Read more

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