Página pruebas

Widera Work Programme

This horizontal pillar is transversal and complementary to all the financing schemes in Horizon Europe and other European financing programs. Objetive This program aims to promote the exchange and networking of researchers and scientific institutions to mitigate the uneven distribution of R&D capacities within the EU. To achieve these objectives, the following financing programs exist: … Read more

Cluster 4: Digital, Industry and Space

The general objective of Cluster 4 is to strengthen the competitiveness of European technologies and give confidence to its industry Areas of intervention Manufacturing technologies. Key digital technologies, including quantum technologies. Emerging enabling technologies. Advanced materials. Artificial intelligence and robotics.next generation internet. Advanced computing and big data. Circular industries. Clean industries, with low carbon emissions. … Read more

Cluster 3: Civil security for society

This cluster aims to overcome the challenges arising from security threats, both natural and man-made disasters as well as cyber. Eligible actions Disaster-resilient societies Protection and security Cybersecurity Open call deadlines Name Opening date Next deadline Deadline model Link Onsite digital technologies to monitor nutrients and chemical or biological stressors in soil and plants with … Read more

Cluster 2: Culture, creativity and inclusive society

This cluster 2 aims to reinforce European democratic values, including the rule of law and fundamental rights, safeguard our cultural heritage and promote socio-economic transformations that contribute to inclusion and growth. Eligible actions Destination – Innovative Research in Democracy and Governance. Destination – Innovative Research on European Cultural Heritage and Cultural and Creative Industries. Destination … Read more

Missions Horizon Europe

Within Horizon Europe, the concept of Missions has been implemented. A mission is a portfolio of actions across disciplines aimed at achieving a bold, inspiring, and measurable goal within a set time frame, with impact for society and policymaking, as well as relevance to a significant portion of the population. Union and a wide range … Read more

Cluster 1: Health

It is where the most competitive projects are included, the classic collaborative projects from previous Framework Programs and which bring together researchers, companies, research centers and universities. Eligible actions Personalized medicine. Conditions of the environment on health and how we affect the environment. Address the European Health Plan “One Health” against microbial resistance. Open call … Read more

Misions Horizont Europe

Dentro de Horizon Europe, se ha implementado el concepto de Misiones. Una misión es una cartera de acciones a través de disciplinas destinadas a lograr un objetivo audaz, inspirador y medible dentro de un marco de tiempo establecido, con impacto para la sociedad y la formulación de políticas, así como relevancia para una parte significativa … Read more

Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)​

It is the financing instrument for strategic investments in transport, energy and digital infrastructure to promote growth. Eligible measures CEF Transport and Energy supports the construction and improvement of sustainable transport infrastructure projects, CEF Digital supports the deployment of digital networks, Open call deadlines Name Opening date Next deadline Deadline model Link CEF 2 Energy … Read more


Erasmus+ is the EU programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. Eligible actions School development and excellent teaching;the Copenhagen process on vocational education and training;the renewed EU agenda for higher education and the Bologna process;the renewed EU agenda for adult learning;the renewed EU youth strategy; and the EU roadmap for sport. Open … Read more

European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFF)

The European Maritime Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF) supports the implementation of the Common Fisheries Policy, the EU Maritime Policy and the EU agenda for international ocean governance. Eligible actions Towards sustainable and low-carbon fisheries  Protection of biodiversity and marine ecosystems the supply of healthy and quality seafood products to European consumers the socio-economic attractiveness … Read more

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