Página pruebas

Application of the DNSH principle to obtain NGEU Funds

Application of the DNSH principle principle to obtain Next Generation funds Application of the DNSH principle for NGEU funding In 2022 the European Commission is launching a series of initiatives with the aim of achieving a more sustainable European Union. The Next Generation Funds are a clear example of this, as in order to be eligible … Read more

750 Billion anti-crisis fund, the Commission´s solomic bet

750 Billion anti-crisis fund, the Commission´s solomic bet NEW RECOVERY FUND PRESENTED BY THE EUROPEAN COMMISION In response to the ravages of the COVID19 pandemic, the European Commission (EC) has presented a recovery fund with a volume of 750 billion recovery fund, a pillar on which an anti-crisis plan is based that includes an unprecedented … Read more

Energy management

Energy management for the optimization of expense categories

Energy management for the optimization of expense categories COLLABORATION AGREEMENT WITH MAGNUS Euro-Funding’s Procurement Consulting area has signed a collaboration agreement with MAGNUS Commodities, a company specialized in strategic energy procurement and energy efficiency. With this agreement Euro-Funding aims to incorporate efficient energy management into the service of optimizing spending categories. This collaboration will allow both … Read more

Webinar summary: How to generate liquidity in the pharmaceutical sector

Webinar summary: How to generate liquidity in the pharmaceutical sector COST-SAVING MECHANISMS IN THE PHARMACEUTICAL SECTOR The pharmaceutical sector is one of the great economic dynamizers of our country and one of the sectors with the greatest opportunities when it comes to generating liquidity, the problem occurs when these savings instruments are unknown by the … Read more

“We need to get ahead in identifying projects” Interview

“We must get ahead in project identification” Interview WE MUST GET A HEAD START ON PROJECT IDENTIFICATION Our colleague Estefanía Blanch, Key Account Manager of Euro-Funding, has participated in an interview in the program Emprende of RTVE. In the interview Estefania commented on the modus operandi of Euro-Funding through the raising of public funds together … Read more


“We maximize the approval rate of projects” Interview

“We maximize the approval rating of projects” Interview We maximize the approval rate of projects Our colleague Victoria Palau has attended an interview in Radio Empresa 360, where she has made known the work of Euro-Funding since its inception, responding to the tax deduction for R & D as aid management and other services to … Read more

Know the advantages of being an innovative SME

Know the advantages of being an innovative SME MAIN ADVANTAGES OF BEING AN INNOVATIVE SME In Euro-Funding we constantly work hand in hand with companies advising them on how to obtain the Innovative SME seal. The Innovative SME seal is a tool recognized by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness that rewards companies that are … Read more


Financing of cooperative R&D projects

Main national calls for funding of cooperative R&D projects main national calls for funding of cooperative R&D projects In the coming days, some of the main national calls for cooperative R&D project funding will be published. These calls are endowed with funds from the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism, so it will be essential to pay … Read more

Renovación certificados ISO

Renewal of our ISO certificates

Renewal of our ISO certificates RENOVATION OF OUR MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Euro Funding is pleased to announce the renewal for the fourth consecutive year of our Integrated Management System, which includes the following certifications: ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and 50001: ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and 50001. A renewal that is added to the ISO 27001 standard … Read more

Portal de Ayudas a un Clic

First calls for proposals portal customizable: Grants at a click

First calls for proposals portal customizable: Grants at a click THE PORTAL THAT WILL HELP YOU TO FIND OUT WHAT SUPPORT IS AVAILABLE Euro-Funding is pleased to announce the launch of “Ayudas a un Clic”, the first customizable public aid portal, with the purpose of facilitating access to information on all public calls for proposals … Read more

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