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The Interreg programs aim to promote territorial cooperation between regions and countries to contribute to their economic and social development and to face the obstacle of borders. The new Interreg 2021-2027 has a total budget of 10,000 million euros for the period 2021-2027. The individual programs are being approved by the European Commission, which is why new calls and new projects are progressively financed.

Program Objectives

A more competitive and intelligent Europe
A greener, low carbon Europe in transition to a resilient net zero carbon economy
A more connected Europe
A more social and inclusive Europe
A Europe closer to the citizens
Better governance of cooperation
A safer and more secure Europe
The 100 programs are organized into 4 levels or “chapters” of the Interreg programmes:


With a budget of €6.5 billion over 7 years, there are 73 different programs to ensure that cross-border obstacles and challenges are addressed within and at the external borders of the EU, i.e.:

  • 49 programs within the EU-27 across its internal borders
  • 10 Interreg IPA (Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance) programs operating on the EU border with Turkey, Albania, Montenegro, Serbia and the Republic of North Macedonia.
  • 14 Interreg NEXT programmes, applied at the borders with the neighboring countries (ENI) of the EU, namely: Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Egypt, Georgia, Israel, Jordan, Kyrgyz Republic, Lebanon, Libya, Moldova, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia and Ukraine (cooperation with Belarus and Russia has been suspended)
  • The PEACE+ program between the border counties of Ireland and Northern Ireland.


This strand allows for cooperation over larger transnational territories or around sea basins. The total budget is 1.5 billion Euros between 2021 and 2027, you can see in the picture below the 14 various Trans-national Interreg co-operation programmes:



It aims at boosting the effectiveness of cohesion policy by promoting exchange of experiences, innovative approaches, and capacity building between regions, 550 million Euro budget has been allocated to interregional cooperation. There are four interregional cooperation programmes within this strand:

  • Interreg Europe, aiming to share innovative and sustainable solutions to regional development challenges.
  • Interact, which helps cooperation among Interreg programmes
  • URBACT, the programme helps cities to develop an integrated set of actions for sustainable change
  • ESPON, works on policies for territorial cohesion.


This 4th strand which has a 208-million-euro budget covers the following Outermost regions:

  • Amazonia, Caribbean,
  • Middle Atlantic/Gulf of Guinea (MAC),
  • Indian Ocean,
  • Mozambique Channel

To be published

Scope: Europe

Budget: 550.000.000€

Application deadline: Calls will be open until 2027

Agency: European Comission

Project nature: R&D

All types of companies in the member countries of the interregional projectss

Direct and indirect expenses related to projects

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