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Strategic consulting

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At Euro-Funding we draw up a Master Plan that will allow you to know where you are and what you could do to improve the management model of the purchasing department based on the best practices in the market.


Analysis to identify proposals for improvement, which are then presented in a deliverable where the results obtained in each phase of the study are presented.

In the event that an investment is necessary, it will be foreseen if there is a public subsidy to be applied in each case.

As part of the transformation project, we developed the Cost Optimization Program.



Internal economic/operational audit

  • “Spend Analysis of all purchasing categories.
  • Multivariate analysis of the department: profiles, interlocutors, responsibilities, procedures, communication flows, reports and tools used.

Definition of key aspects to optimize the current situation

Development of guidelines to be considered in the new management model.

  • Organization and management
  • Standardization of products / services
  • Processes / procedures
  • Sourcing, supplier and contract management

Identification of improvement actions

Conducting “workshops” with ESG staff:

  • Operational review and supplier panel.
  • Consensus definition of improvement actions and levers.

Preliminary management lines: Best practices in the sector.

Elaboration of a proposal for execution in the coming months

Two main lines of action:

  • Selected actions program.
  • Rest of non-priority actions

Steps to be taken and tentative timetable by actions.


Cost optimization program

The Cost Optimization Program aims to reduce total acquisition costs, improve production efficiency and reduce capital employed. We establish an action plan including the entire perimeter or for certain categories, and thus improve cost management using all available tools to generate savings.   Filtrar Mejora de la eficiencia operativa Norma Europea de

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Technology platform

The implementation of a digital purchasing portal helps both to simplify the work of the department and to prioritize cost reduction. At Euro-Funding we help our clients in the implementation of digitization processes that allow streamlining the optimization and improvement of the departments in order to develop increasingly efficient actions.

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European Purchasing Standard

The UNE 15896 Standard certification is responsible for preparing companies for the new updated purchasing models observed in the market. Filtrar Mejora de la eficiencia operativa Norma Europea de compras Portal de compras Consultoría estratégica Optimización de costes Mejora de la eficiencia operativa Norma Europea de compras Portal de compras

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Improving operational efficiency

At Euro-Funding we have a team of experts who manage business consulting projects focused mainly on improving operational efficiency. We apply in each project the most appropriate tools and techniques to achieve the established objectives, focusing mainly on. Ampliar información Mejora de la eficiencia operativa Optimización de costes Mejora de la

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